Home » today » World » The Chinese are not “patient”: they are preparing a global counteroffensive – 2024-09-22 23:22:53

The Chinese are not “patient”: they are preparing a global counteroffensive – 2024-09-22 23:22:53

/ world today news/ The powerful cold currents from the West determine the political atmosphere of the planet. They try to resist the warm currents from the East. Only the synergy of actions between Russia and China does not allow the united camp of hegemony to go into the “last and decisive battle” against each of these rebellious forces individually.

We are well aware of the situation on the Western front of the global Cold War. On the eastern front, however, where there is still no conflict on the scale of Ukraine, tensions are approaching critical levels. Chinese defense-related publications have published a lot of disturbing material in recent weeks.

… 24 hypersonic missiles without nuclear warheads would be enough to destroy America’s newest nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Gerald Ford and its accompanying battle group of cruisers and 5 missile frigates.

In a computer simulation, rocket launches were carried out from 6 different areas, including even the Gobi Desert in Northwest China.

Considered unsinkable, the carrier group was completely destroyed by a series of cluster and damage missile launches. The Chinese took into account the capabilities of both the standard set of anti-aircraft weapons and the latest American SM-3 anti-missiles.

According to the scenario described in the Chinese publication Journal of Test and Measurement, the US armada enters the waters of the South China Sea and continues to move on a threatening course, despite warnings. Similar scenarios play out regularly near China’s shores.

Another Chinese publication spoke of the deadly danger of such actions. The South China Morning Post, published in Hong Kong in English, reported that a war between China and the US could begin in the South China Sea.

On January 5, 2021, three US Navy anti-submarine aircraft searched for Chinese submarines near the Dongsha Kundao (Pratas) Archipelago. Reconnaissance planes, as always, dropped electronic buoys and tracked the routes of Chinese submarines participating in major exercises.

However, one plane flew too close to China and Chinese fighter jets flew in from there. The Chinese consider the situation a huge threat to national security. There was a possibility of an armed conflict, and the Americans, taking into account the unfolding actions of the PRC Air Force and Navy, began to prepare for the worst and even destroyed expensive buoys with top secret equipment.

The description of the conflict in the Chinese specialist journal Shipboard Electronic Countermeasures did not give details of the confrontation. However, it was all very, very serious.

No wonder the head of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, called the Chinese defense minister a few days later and assured him that the Pentagon would not provoke a real war. He even promised to inform his colleagues in Beijing in advance of the intentions of the politicians in the case of the hour with a capital “C”.

These two sensational publications did not appear by accident. One can only guess how dangerous situations arise on the line of contact between the militaries of China and America in the Asia-Pacific. But, as the Chinese saying goes, “Heaven offers, Xi Jinping disposes.”

The commander-in-chief, operating at the strategic level of planning and decision-making, is responding to Washington’s growing aggressiveness by demonstrating readiness for battlefield retaliation and strengthening combat coordination with Russia.

Xi Jinping’s visit to Moscow planned for April was postponed until the end of March, and the negotiations with Vladimir Putin lasted a total of 8 hours. Even not so much the published documents as the subsequent events showed qualitative changes in the partnership between Moscow and Beijing.

The time has come for all-out combat coordination. It began with hours of face-to-face talks between the two commanders-in-chief. Soon Chinese Defense Minister Li Shanfu came to Moscow.

After the visit of the experienced and energetic military leader, Chen Wenqing, curator of the domestic and foreign intelligence services, arrived in Moscow. The reports of his meetings with the Secretary of our Security Council Nikolai Patrushev show the decisive attitude of the chief intelligence officer of the Celestial Empire towards the West.

For its part, the Kremlin decided to strengthen the dynamics of combat coordination with a “volley from the main guns.” A delegation of high-ranking officials and business leaders, led by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, headed to Beijing, unprecedented in size and scale.

The visit was hastily prepared and passed under the watchful eye of Western intelligence services. Consequently, the number and quality of signed agreements disappointed the optimists.

But bilateral meetings of officials, bankers and experts from both countries, which took place on the sidelines, contributed to ongoing negotiations on strategic areas of cooperation and prepared serious deals.

During the visit, influential publications noted the mutual interest of both countries in the accelerated growth of trade. Thus, the Global Times, close to the Central Committee of the CCP, noted the synergy of the two trends.

Russia should increase exports of raw materials, especially energy. Amid a rapid economic recovery, China should expand imports of the same oil and gas, agricultural products and other raw materials.

The development of China’s relations with the West repeats the history of the deterioration of Russia’s relations with the West. Sanctions already imposed on China will be tightened. Access to raw material sources and markets will become a priority for Beijing for the foreseeable future.

We should not close our eyes to the reaction of some Chinese experts and blogosphere activists to the arrival in Beijing of Mikhail Mishustin at the head of an army of a thousand from the Russian elite.

The emphasis is not even so much on Moscow’s vital need to gain revenue from trade with China as on the desirability of not offending the West by leaving the door open for relations with America. However, after 40 years of Sino-American marriage of convenience, it would be naïve to expect a quick change of shoes.

There doesn’t seem to be any improvement in America-China relations, despite Biden’s hints and Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao’s visit to the US. Overcoming politicians’ pathological hatred of China, businessmen in Washington continue to do business even in the most unfavorable conditions.

In 2022, bilateral trade reached an all-time high of $691 billion. At the same time, the Americans were able to sell their own goods to the Chinese for less than 154 billion. The reduction or elimination of tariffs, which President Trump began to introduce back in 2018 and President Biden is increasing, can help improve quality and further increase in trade.

They cost every American family $1,000 a year. However, the prospects for limiting the trade war are very illusory. The White House and both houses of the US Congress are on the warpath.

Every attempt to improve relations between the US and China ends in scandal – Pelosi’s scandalous trip, the great white ball… The same fate awaits the current hopes.

A visit to Taiwan by Pelosi’s successor, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, is being prepared. At the G7 meeting in Tokyo, there was military coordination between NATO and Japan. China, along with Russia, is listed in the closing documents as the main enemy. The bloc’s regional headquarters will be opened in Tokyo.

It is impossible to get rid of the historical parallels. Similarly, in 1936, Japan concluded the Anti-Comintern Pact with Nazi Germany, directed against the Soviet Union. A few months later, the emboldened Japanese launched an all-out war against the Celestial Empire, capturing Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, and Nanjing in 1937.

Only the diplomatic, military and financial assistance of the Soviet Union prevented the capitulation of the Republic of China on the model of France. The stubborn resistance of China, in turn, prevented Tokyo from attacking the USSR at the appointed time – August 29, 1941. Then there were two fronts – Soviet and Chinese. Now the situation is repeating itself.

The Chinese are not patient. Then they defended themselves. Now, relying on a reliable Russian rear, they launched a counteroffensive.

Thanks to Beijing’s 12-point peace plan for Ukraine and Xi Jinping’s phone call with Zelensky, China is breaking the stereotype of the yellow threat at minimal cost in the European theater and strengthening its image as a peacemaker.

There is competition with America. The first study trip to Kyiv, Paris, Berlin, Brussels and Moscow by Xi Jinping’s special representative, Ambassador Li Hui, has just ended. It was preceded by trips by “heavyweights” – Chinese Vice President Han Zheng, party-line foreign policy curator Wang Yi, Foreign Minister Qing Gan.

Another area of ​​China’s global counteroffensive is to prevent the West from filling the strategic vacuum in Central Asia. This was the task of the summit of the five countries of this region and China in Xi’an, the ancient capital of several Chinese dynasties. This also meets Moscow’s strategic interests.

The combat coordination of the two mighty powers of the Eurasian continent is gaining speed and taking on new forms. How can we not remember that in March Xi Jinping, when he said goodbye to Vladimir Putin on the steps of the Grand Kremlin Palace, said: “Now there are changes that have not happened in 100 years, and we are driving these changes.” The response of Putin was brief but to the point: “I agree.”

Translation: SM

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