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The children and grandchildren of the traitorous putschists repeat the ball – Al-Shahed Newspaper

As their ancestors used to do, today they are trying to cast doubt and sow discord between the Emir, the Crown Prince, the Prime Minister and the Kuwaiti people.

On 3/19, the Constitutional Court ruled to annul the Amiri decree regarding the 2022 Council elections and reinstate the dissolved Council in 2020. The Kuwaiti street, represented by the leadership, government, parliamentarians and all segments of society, was shocked by this unclear ruling that led us into a dark tunnel. Kuwait entered a political, governmental, parliamentary, social, and economic crisis. However, what happened last Wednesday in the emergency meeting of the Supreme Judicial Council and the discussion of the resignation of the President of the Supreme Judicial Council, Counselor Muhammad bin Naji. Delegate with the powers stipulated in the constitution and the law to appoint the prime minister and ministers, accept their resignations and relieve them from their posts, propose laws, ratify them and return them to the National Assembly, ratify emiri decrees, declare martial law, conclude international treaties, issue emiri decrees, put in place the decrees necessary to implement laws, and decrees to draw up control regulations and regulations necessary for arranging Public interests and administrations, the performance of the prime minister and ministers to the constitutional oath, and the appointment of civil and military employees and political representatives to foreign countries, so why manipulate words and vocabulary? The crown prince who is authorized to carry out the affairs of the Emir is the Emir, so there is no difference between Sheikh Nawaf and Sheikh Mishaal, for they are brothers and the owners of one position and one decision, so do not try to sow discord between them under the pretext of this he said and this is what he said, this one has a position and the other has a position, the rulers of our affairs are our sheikhs, may God prolong their life And He provides them with health, wellness, and good lining. Their position is one, and you will not be able to differentiate between them.
So the political merchants took advantage of the situation to blackmail Kuwait and bargain with it, the system and the people, and on the same day and time there was a conference for the Speaker of the National Assembly, the merchant son of the merchant son of the merchant, as Marzouq Al-Ghanim claims, in which he said that the Prime Minister His Highness Sheikh Ahmad Al-Nawaf is a danger to Kuwait, and on the same day and time the merchant son of the merchant son of the merchant declared The merchant, as the head of the Chamber of Commerce, Muhammad Al-Saqer, is proud that Kuwait is in danger.
These are the events of the past days, and we will discuss and diagnose these positions.
Counselor Ben Naji stated to Al Jarida newspaper that he had submitted a request for retirement starting from next week, and here Ben Naji is considered to have officially and popularly resigned because Ben Naji did not deny or deny the news of the newspaper. Thus, the resignation becomes official and popular because he published it in the media, and in the Judiciary Law whoever submits his resignation according to Article 32 Repeated from the Law Organizing the Judiciary: “The resignation of a judge or member of the Public Prosecution office is considered acceptable from the time of its submission and does not result in a reduction of the pension or reward.”
However, on the second day, he summoned the Supreme Judicial Council to discuss with them that he had been asked to submit his resignation, and the question here is: Did Bin Naji submit his resignation to the Supreme Council and it was rejected as it was published in the newspapers, or did he not submit his resignation? If he submitted his resignation, no one has the right to accept or reject it according to the law, and if he did not submit his resignation and there is no paper on what is going on: Ben Naji resigned, Ben Naji did not resign, so how does the Judicial Council meet and discuss sent words for which there is no evidence or proof?
Courts of all kinds judge by evidence, documents and proofs, do not rule and make a decision by word of mouth.
Here I advise Mr. Counselor Muhammad bin Naji: Do not allow the politicians and media merchants to exploit you and the judiciary and bring you and the Supreme Judicial Council into the circle of suspicion and suspicion for their commercial, political and media goals.
Kuwait has three powers, legislative that legislates, executive that implements and judicial that decides and rules with justice between the different, and there is a question that all Kuwaitis ask, the Emir is the head of the three powers, he dissolves the National Assembly if there is a reason to dissolve it in the interest of Kuwait, as well as he dismisses the government and forms a new government in the interest of Kuwait, and so is he The head of the judicial authority and judgments are issued in his name, and he is the one who rejects or approves fateful rulings, the most important of which are death sentences that are not implemented unless the Emir ratifies them. Whoever can dissolve parliament and the government can dissolve the Supreme Judicial Council, because all those in the three authorities are state employees and receive salaries and allowances from the state They were appointed by Emiri decrees signed and sealed by the Emir. Whoever has the right to appointment has the right to dissolution, dismissal and acceptance of resignation.
As for the Speaker of the National Assembly, dissolved by an Emiri decree, rejected, hated, and popularly rejected, Marzouq Al-Ghanim, your conference was the conference of a person who did not care about Kuwait, its system, its land, and its people. All that mattered to you was your staying in the chair.
As I heard your speech, your threat, and your threat, I remembered your speech, “Do you want to rule, or what do you want?” You came to heal it, Marzouk, blinded it. The popular offensive that started yesterday should be a lesson for you and those like you. The proverb says: “If it lasted for someone else, I would not have called you, Marzouk.”
You came as Speaker of the National Assembly during a difficult period. The American-Jewish-Israeli-Zionist plan and the Arab Spring were to divide and destroy all the Arab countries. You volunteered yourself for the state, but you quickly overturned and took control and controlled the joints of the state with the help of the weak, opportunists bribed by officials in the state, supported and backed by an expansionist Arab state and another. Colonial globalism, so it destroyed the National Assembly and its role entrusted to it, and destroyed its systems and regulations, and you issued laws and adopted decisions that harm Kuwait, land, system, law, and people, and destroyed the media that you rented or rented to you at the cost of a dinar, so you stopped development, infrastructure and reconstruction in favor of your companies and the companies of your partners, so fear God in yourself and your family because God does not speak with a stick, every mistake you make will return to you and those closest to you.
As for the head of the Chamber of Commerce, Muhammad Al-Saqer, I do not know what he means by saying that Kuwait is in danger, and who are the danger to Kuwait? What is the relationship of a merchant in a commercial establishment to interfere with judicial rulings or governmental and parliamentary positions?
This reminds me of the years of commercial coups by commercial families against Kuwait and its system and democracy many years ago. In the year 1896, when Sheikh Mubarak revolted against his brothers Muhammad and Jarrah because they left the rule to the merchants to rule Kuwait in the name of the ruler, he killed his brothers and restored the quorum of power to the ruler, so wars and invasions began to follow from inside and outside and he won. Sheikh Mubarak defeated them and defeated them.
And there were events during the time of Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak, then events during the time of Sheikh Salem Al-Mubarak and the Jahra war witnessed, but it was during the time of Sheikh Ahmed Al-Jaber, who was the crown prince and outside the country negotiating with Abdulaziz bin Saud over the demarcation of the Kuwaiti-Saudi borders, so he returned to the country after three days of The death of the ruler, Sheikh Salem Al-Mubarak, and he found that the merchants had pledged allegiance to Abdullah Al-Salem, and upon the arrival of Sheikh Ahmed Al-Jaber, the sheikhs and citizens rushed to pledge allegiance to Ahmed Al-Jaber. And their coup and their attempt to intervene and rob the ruler of his powers, so the council of traitors who fled to Iraq and opened Al-Zuhur Radio with the support of the colonizer at that time, Britain, was dissolved. Who was imprisoned, who escaped to Iraq, who was wounded and who died, but these events did not stop at this point, and we all remember the silence when the President of Iraq decided to enter Kuwait in 1973 during the era of Sheikh Sabah Al-Salem, so the Kuwaiti people rose up with one voice. O our sheikh, give us a weapon. We will fight and you will rest. However, these behaviors and statements did not stop at that point. Rather, they went once again to the graveyard of Saddam Hussein, asking him to intervene and separate the sons of the political merchants from the looters of public money, so Saddam took the approval and blessing of the Americans and invaded Kuwait. On a dark night, and they were all fleeing outside Kuwait because they knew the date of the invasion, so Kuwait, its regime and its people paid the price, and today the grandchildren and sons of the traitors are playing the ball again to subjugate Kuwait and its rule for them, and for the neighboring countries that have interests in land and supply.
God grants success
Good morning

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