The check lottery organized by the State Revenue Service (SRS) has ended with the annual draw, SRS informs.
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Over 3.5 years, 241,189 participants have participated in the lottery, submitting a total of 41.8 million checks, receipts, tickets and invoices for online purchases. On the other hand, the information obtained from these payment documents and the work of the SRS with entrepreneurs have allowed to increase the state budget revenues by a total of 10.9 million euros.
Analyzing checks submitted by citizens, the SRS obtained information on the undeclared income of companies, on which taxes had not been paid. Thus, at the request of the SRS, companies have clarified 2,749 VAT declarations, showing previously unreported revenues. Also, cases were discovered when companies operate with unregistered cash registers, when services are provided by companies whose economic activity has been suspended, or when companies illegally employ employees and pay “envelope salaries”.
In general, during the lottery, the additional declared revenues of the companies, as well as the indirect effect calculated by the SRS, i.e. the more honest behavior of the companies, by the citizens more actively demanding checks, allowed the state budget revenues to increase by 10.9 million euros. These revenues may still increase, as the SRS continues to analyze the checks submitted by citizens in 2022.
In total, 1,973 cash prizes were paid to lottery winners for a total amount of 1.4 million euros.