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The cheat sheet you need to pray at work

If the Christian knows how to pray in church, in front of an oratory or accompanied by his prayer group, he can sometimes be embarrassed as to how to make God more present in his work. However, there are different little tips to get there.

On average, a French person works 36.3 hours per week. How to make these 36.3 hours a time turned towards God? Because if there are many ways of praying, one can wonder how to put them into practice in the workplace. “Christ sanctified the work by practicing the carpenter trade himself. We unite with Him by working ”, we can read on the Solesmes Abbey website. Six easy ways exist to include prayer in your professional life.

Take care of colleagues

Look at your colleagues and have a benevolent gaze on them. For Saint Josemaría Escriva, the secret is knowing how to “recognize in our brothers and sisters the Christ, who comes to meet us”. If you are caring for your co-worker who is grieving difficult or someone stressed about their upcoming move, this is one way to put gospel teaching directly into practice.

Praying to the Angelus

This prayer of the Church, which can be said at 6 am, 12 noon and 6 pm, emphasizes the “yes” of Mary. Its advantage is that it is said to be in communion with the whole Church. And saying it at noon can be an opportunity to take a little break.

Listen to inspiring songs

If you can do multiple things at the same time, you can also put on your headphones and listen to songs of praise, monastic hymns, or follow the Rosary prayer live.


Live at work

Prayer already begins in how you make each of your tasks your own. Work is also a way of praying, according to Saint Josemaría Escriva. This Spanish priest especially liked to use the image of the little donkey at the well, whose work is proving to be extremely fruitful. “Blessed be the perseverance of the donkey in the noria!” Still at the same pace. Always the same turns. Day after day, all the same. Otherwise, there would be neither maturity for the fruits, nor freshness in the orchard, and the garden would be deprived of perfumes ”. The one who lives in his work and who carries out each task with love is a true prayer leader.

Pay attention to details

Pay attention to all the little things that are a sign of God’s presence in your work. Providence watches over you in a thousand and one ways, through these little things that do good every day. “Hey, my boss took the time to put paper in the copier”; “Great menu in the canteen today! “; “I had dropped my badge and someone was kind enough to drop it off at reception.” All of these seemingly insignificant micro-events show that God takes care of us.

Practice ejaculatory prayer

You can also practice ejaculatory prayer, this extremely brief prayer addressed to God during the day, which is like a cry from the heart which rushes towards Heaven. This short greeting to God is practiced in the midst of daily activities. The Pope advises to practice this type of prayer regularly to keep the constant remembrance of God. “These are arrows that touch the heart of God,” noted Padre Pio.

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