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The characters of ‘Cicatriz’, the book series by Juan Gómez-Jurado

Is there a better feeling than taking advantage of the summer days to get hooked on a new fiction? Maybe some, but few compared to what the arrival of Scar to our lives. This thriller action, based on the best seller by Juan Gomez-Jurado (author of hits such as Red Queen, The Patient, Everything Burns) is already a claim every Wednesday night thanks to the multitude of its twists, but above all, because the heart of the story appeals directly to the deepest and most universal emotions: love, survival, the fight for family and the vital need to have a sense of belonging.

Milena Radulović (Faith, Superdeep) y Juanlu Gonzalez (The hunt.Guadiana, The other look) give life to Irina and Simon, the leading couple. Along with them, Luis Fernandez (Serve and protect) is Tomás, Simon’s best friend and partner, and Julen Serrano plays his brother Arturo.

The Serbian actor Stefan Kapicic (Deadpool, Better call Saul) plays Boris, one of the most respected bosses of the Russian mafia in Spain; Mladen Sovilja renowned actor in the Balkans, will play Vanya, a professional criminal and Boris’s right-hand man. Goran SusljikSerbian filmmaker, actor and producer, will play The Afghana key character in Irina’s past, present and future. Find out who’s who in this exciting thriller which you can now enjoy on RTVE Play.

Juanlu Gonzalez is Simon Gomez, CEO of Jumping Crab and creator of LISA

Juanlu Gonzalez is Simon Gomez

Simon He has an extraordinary mind, capable of solving the most intricate algorithms, but facing the outside world is always complicated for him. You are shy, anxious and insecureWhile interacting with other men is already a challenge for him, the idea of ​​interacting with women causes him even more panic.

However, in his closest environment, Simon is transformed. This inner circle is limited to his friend and partner, Tomás, and his brother Arturo. By Arturo is able to overcome all his fearsfacing both bureaucrats to get him a physiotherapist and anyone who dares to make fun of him. It is incredibly leal y nobleand his morals are as firm and clear as the codes he writes.

Simon deeply enjoys his work. He loves programming and finds pleasure in the pure logic of algorithms, discovering beauty in their precision. His youth idols were not star actors. rock nor athletes, but figures such as Steve Jobs, Larry Page, Bill Gates y Elon Muskwhom he admired not for their wealth, but for their contributions to the world. Although humble, Simon believes he has reached that Olympus with his own creation: LISAan application designed to recognize emotions.

Milena Radulović is Irina Topalova, a killing machine behind an angelic facade

Milena Radulović and Irina Topalova

Irina is a mystery in itself, a figure shrouded in enigmas.Where does the scar come from? that crosses her face? Why, if she could conquer any man, does she resort to a modest online dating site in search of a husband? When Simon meets her on the Internet, the young computer scientist gradually falls into its trapThe quiet and monotonous life that Irina describes does not fit at all with the Exciting adventures that he lives between each conversation with her boyfriend. Irina has the advantage: she knows a lot about Simon while he knows very little about her.

Although it is suspected, as Simon himself will do, that Irina is interested in the millions that he could soon earn, the reality is quite different. Irina is not looking for material wealth, but revenge. and his sister Oksana, who could be alive or dead. When he discovers the truth about what really happened to her, his world will fall apart again.

Luis Fernandez is Tomás Jurado, lawyer and commercial director of Jumping Crab

Luis Fernandez is Thomas Jurado

Tomás is the perfect contrast to Simon: charismatic, extroverted, frivolous and a lover of life. With his seductive nature, optimism and relaxed attitude, he perfectly complements the reserved Simon. More than a partner and best friend, Tomas acts as Simon’s “interface”, his connection with the outside world.

Although he does not possess Simon’s mathematical mind, Thomas is shrewd, perceptive and, despite his carefree attitude, sensitive enough to perceive what his friend hides from the world. His concern for Simon is sincere, considering him as a brother, to the point that Arturo and Simon always have a place at the Christmas Eve table in his parents’ house. However, due to Simon’s lack of social skills, Tomas has assumed an almost paternalistic role in his life.

When Irina enters the scene, Tomás finds it difficult to watch as Simón begins to “fly solo,” and perhaps too high, at a critical moment for his company. Jealousy is intertwined with distrusttesting a friendship that has survived everything, and is now on the brink of collapse.

Julen Serrano is Arturo Gomez, Simon’s brother

Julen Serrano is Arturo Gomez

Arturo was born with trisomy 21, known as Down syndrome. In addition, he had to deal with the rejection of his father, who never accepted him as his son and whose character deteriorated until he became a alcoholic and abusive manIn that hostile environment, his only refuge was his older brother, Simon.

Despite what many might think, Arthur was not a burden to him, but rather an oasis of calm and stability in your lifeFor the computer scientist, Arturo represents his comfort zone, being the only person with whom Simon can be authentic and relax in their interactions.

Arturo, for his part, adores his brother and gets involved in their problems with enthusiasm. Although his advice sometimes seems crazy, at other times, thanks to its simplicity and clarity, it manages to light the way for Simon in the most difficult moments.

Maciej Stuhr es Jakub Sanders, CEO of Infinity

Maciej Stuhr es Jakub Sanders

There was a time when Jakub Sanders perfectly embodied the American dream. A dream that, like many others, had its humble beginnings in the kitchen of a fast food restaurant. Sanders, an exceptionally talented programmer and unique vision, he was always able to anticipate the future and the needs of people, which led him to build the empire of Infinity.

During his first decades at the helm of the company, Sanders maintained a Illusion and curiosity almost childlike, guiding his decisions with passion. However, success and its demands began to wear him down. Over time, He became sullen and resentful towards the successes of others, especially when the financial results of Infinity began to decline year after year. His obsession with time, which was once his ally, ended up dominating him.

At 50, Sanders faces a harsh reality: the hourglass he always carries to his meetings, symbolizing that “Three minutes are enough to communicate a great idea“, seems to have turned against him. The shareholders of Infinity They have lost confidence in him, and is on the verge of losing control of his own company.

Stefan Kapičić is “The Spider”, leader of the Russian mafia in Bilbao

Stefan Kapičić and Boris Spaski

Boris He did not become a criminal out of necessity: he could have led an honest and secure life, but that would have bored him and waste his true potential. Intelligent, cunning and practical, Boris is a Master in assessing risks and opportunitiesHis lack of scruples allowed him to rise from a simple soldier in the mafia to become one of the most influential leaders of the Russian mafia in Spain.

After killing the boss, Boris took over the leadership and focused on reducing violence and risks, transforming illegal businesses such as white slavery, drug sales and arms trafficking into more structured operations and similar to a family business.

Mladen Sovili is Vanya Limonov, “The Spider’s” right-hand man in Bilbao

Young Sovili is Vanya Limonov

Vanya He is a criminal by vocation, and few things are as pleasurable to him as see the fear in the eyes of their victims. Capricious, arbitrary and insane, Vanya grew up in the darkest circles of his hometown, where His brutality and recklessness made him famous from a young age. Although his actions terrified his superiors, his usefulness was undeniable, as long as he was kept under control. This is how he came across Boris, with whom he soon realized that together they could achieve greater achievements that separately.

For a while they formed an unbeatable team, but after reaching the pinnacle of power, Boris became surprisingly reserved and Vanya ended up losing her source of fun. The worst thing about this boredom is that, For the first time, Vanya begins to think like I’ve never done before.

This is how it begins Scar

Today is the most important day in the life of Simon. Together with his partner and best friend Tomáshead to the offices of Jakub Sanders, the CEO of a tech giant, to sell you the algorithm which they have been working on for years. If they succeed, They will be millionairesIf they fail, they will go bankrupt and Simon will not even be able to take care of Arturo, his brother who has Down syndrome.

The most important day in the life of Irina It was 15 years ago in a small rural Ukrainian town. Some men entered her house, They killed his parents and kidnapped his sister to sell her in Spain as a prostitute. She has been preparing her revenge since that day and today, she has achieved the penultimate step. After months of talking to a desperate man on a dating app called Simon, she has finally told him what he was waiting for: “Why don’t you come with me to Bilbao?”.

‘Cicatriz’, premiere on August 21 on La 1 and RTVE Play

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