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The Changing Landscape of Domestic Violence Laws: Expectations and Perspectives

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Will there be a change of the change of the changes in the Law on Domestic Violence… What to expect from the return of Vasil Bozhkov. How important is Sofia for GERB and Boyko Borisov. Political scientist Kaloyan Metodiev spoke to FAKTI.

– Mr. Metodiev, we are at the end of August, and soon the deputies will return to work. How proud should we be of the fact that they took their leave to make changes to the Domestic Violence Act?
– It was not the deputies, but the leaders of the governing “assembly”. Especially one who has protest trauma. I mean Borisov. They convened the meeting in a state of panic. They quieted the protest with some ugly amendments, which are in violation of the parliamentary rules with two votes in one sitting. They lost the parliamentary debate. And they passed legal amendments that they have to remove in the new season because they block the judicial system. They are good for crushing opposition, for consuming power, for bad management, but for useful action they are bare water.

– It was a gesture of “good will” or so social discontent and protests were calmed down, because they were many thousands…
– Social tension is never calmed by such means. It is extinguished and mastered, but this only buys time. In society, as in the psyche, nothing is lost, only transformed or accumulated. This government has no support, no legitimacy. They won’t fight. No one will love them. Never. I understand that they are afraid of popular discontent, but there are other, more serious things to fear.

– Why did the rulers vote against the opposition’s proposal to broadcast the parliament session directly on the national media?
– Because they lost the debate. Cornelia Ninova smeared them with legal and political arguments. They had no argument for the legal nonsense they did. They were pathetic and brutal at the same time. They crush the opposition. For the first time, the opposition does not have a single committee, which is a precedent in Europe. Because in their minds the state, including the parliament, is their property. Mainly GERB and DPS. PP are not from here and will be for a while. We are residents of their country – not ours. Everything is theirs – systems, regulators, services, national televisions… They do what they want. Otherwise, no matter how many media channels are shut down, there is no way in the 21st century to impose a total blackout.

– And so it came to the text that domestic violence should be considered if the “intimate relationship” is at least 60 days. By day 59 what is…
– They gave bread to folk folklore and to the Bulgarian genius to ironize, make fun of, make fun of, make caricatures… And he is a virtuoso for that. And in this case fully deserved. Stupidity upon stupidity equals more stupidity. How to prove a relationship start date? From what moment does it count? If there are interruptions? Does night time count? Is a connection being lost? Hundreds of questions about… (I don’t know what kind of milder word to use… readers put it up front)… of assembly.

– The local elections are approaching. What layers are already moving?
– They haven’t stopped moving. The red lines in Bulgarian politics often turn out to be chalked. In the trio Boyko Borisov – Radev – DPS there are constant contracts and regroupings. They make themselves proxies or subordinate some (PP, “Vazrazhdane”, DB and others) and act for themselves. Last year, the trio of Radev, Borisov and DPS, the latter already rebranded with a new official leader – Peevski, overthrew the regular government. Now they are beating the government, of which GERB and DPS are a part, in the same way as last year. Again in the same triple configuration. Borisov, on the other hand, is sharply opposed to himself. They play old scenes for the audience – quarrels about March 3, monuments, allegedly attacking each other, and negotiating with each other behind the scenes. We’ve already seen this movie. Especially in places. Here, for example, is one Pernik, where Radev, who often goes to this favorite of his, GERB and DPS support the current mayor for a new term, never mind that he is being investigated by the European prosecutor’s office and will not be in the long term. And in other places. Illustration of Feudalization. They don’t care about anything. The interesting thing will be in the big cities, mainly Sofia.

– Why?
– This is the biggest city. Sofia is the basis of the GERB model – the heart of the assembly. Boyko Borisov has ruled Sofia since November 2005. That’s a full 18 years. One and the same. If they lose the capital, they will end up as an assembly and a project, etc. For Borisov, Sofia is a life and death battle to keep it. That’s why he “brings on” candidates of other parties, or duplicates candidates to distract votes, releases compromising documents… The dividing line is – who is with the model and who is against it. The previous candidates have not declared themselves categorically on this axis. For now, Terziev grumbles, deals with the family issue, has no political experience, I don’t see fighting, in the political sense of the word. Is Vili Lilkov GERD or not? He understands the Sofia issues, but he is not an alternative. Grigorova, nominated by the Sofia chairman of the BSP, has also not decided, except for some xenophobic statements and the intention to push buildings in the new south-western districts. The trade unions have been very closely connected with GERB for years – they even supported Fandakova in the last elections. Kostadinov never said a bad word about Boyko Borisov. We are waiting for more candidates. Assessment and vision for the future are needed. Now is the time to evaluate if they want to be an alternative. It is right for them to say what they think about the GERB model and personally about Borisov, who personifies it in Sofia, from the ruined yellow cobblestones, through the municipal companies to the poisonous air. I haven’t heard them. And then, on this basis, to talk about a de-ideological vision for managing a million-strong city.

– The return of Vasil Bozhkov… Surprise, clear move, done deal…
– This is what everyone is asking. Is this guy super smart, or did he get screwed? This plot is interesting. Business and politics have turned upside down. In any case, Bozhkov is a kind of intersection of relations in the troika – Radev, Borisov, DPS. Judging by their public sections, accusations and media coverage, and his statements in recent years. It strikes me that on the surface there is something like a “Russian connection” in all of the above. They blame each other, project onto others. Over the weekend, a very interesting investigation of the Anti-Corruption Fund came out. I recommend it. About Borisov’s connection with business circles of the Putin regime during the construction of “Turkish Stream”. Don’t forget that Radev started removing the cabinet last year because of Bulgargaz (Asen Vassilev also said it). Now everyone is silent about the contract with the Turkish company “Botash” that enslaves Bulgaria. As I said at the beginning – the country is theirs. But the world is big. If they have read Darwin, they will know that there are bigger predators and they are always coming. They have become so entangled with Russians, Arabs, Turks, and now with Americans that there is no way out. The Russians have a different type of work compared to those appointed as traitors… since 1917. Americans, on the other hand, have no sentiments. Everyone is pursuing their national interests. At least theoretically, I don’t see an option for a peaceful exit for so many subjects. In general, so far the “Bozhkov” plot is much ado about nothing.

– And this happens days after the murder of Alexei Petrov. When they shot Alexey Petrov, neither acting the chief prosecutor was there, nor was the interior minister. Somewhat atypical or because it’s the holiday season?
– A little bit of both. In recent months, the most heinous part of the transition from the 90s, which we would like to forget, has been breaking out on the surface – riots, beatings, murders… It’s not like she stopped, but now she’s out. Something is shifting. There were many murders. Assassination of an acting chief prosecutor and his removal because of it! We no longer have the first characteristic of a state – control over a certain territory. We don’t really have a border – it fell apart. This is a fact. The country is falling apart. I am categorical. There is a lack of a strong and moral power center to enforce law and order, peace and development. Seen from the outside, Bulgaria stands tragically. Schengen is becoming a mirage, and we were supposed to be accepted in December. This may go on like this, but not for long. The situation is pre-revolutionary in mood, but since revolutions are not made in our country, changes come most often with external help or intervention. The assembly and Radev rewound the spring. That’s not how it’s done.

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2023-08-28 06:05:00

#Kaloyan #Metodiev #front #FACTS

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