Home » today » World » The Changing Attitude towards Cash Prohibition and Positive Developments: A Promising Update

The Changing Attitude towards Cash Prohibition and Positive Developments: A Promising Update

Cash Prohibition: People Are Strongly Against So There Will Be No (Bonus: Big Pile of Good News)

Popular opinion is carefully monitored, and since, as it turned out, support for the idea of ​​​​banning cash payments (even with warnings) has garnered a huge crop of dislikes, no one will break through the knee: no, it’s not, that is, you just need to plant more, it’s cheaper.

By the way, a certain surge of attention (including evaluative activity) to the economic topic is noteworthy – this means that the war has become so familiar that even posts about possible nuclear strikes, as it turned out, are not as relevant as peace-money issues. Our people are unshakable and inimitable.

Well, in the world (turning to the promised pleasant bonus to compensate for the emotional and psychological economic stress) the revision of the attitude towards the war between Ukraine and Mordor is in full swing – under the influence, apparently, of what an amazing shit Orkostan turned out to be. They already joke about his horde that this army turned out to be the second not in the world and not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia itself.

Even the orcs themselves began to think something: 35% already consider this war a mistake (at the same time, less than half of those idiots who would NOT cancel the decision to invade are left – 49%)! Only 35% were in favor of winning at any cost, that is, the other 65% now disagree at any price. Such survey indicators are already similar to the attitude towards this war, formed in some ordinary savage countries – like, for example, Eritrea or Hungary, that is, progress is clearly evident.

But most importantly, the attitude towards military support for Ukraine in the United States has changed. Compared to the May poll, American support for military assistance to Ukraine has grown from 46% to 65%, that is, 1.41 times! Among Democrats, this figure was 81%, and among Republicans – 57%. That is, even among Republicans, Trump’s position is rejected by the majority. At the same time, 67% promised to vote for the candidate who will stand for military assistance to Ukraine (by the way, not necessarily Biden, because the Republican candidate may eventually turn out to be a normal one), they promised to vote! 2/3! In the main country of the world!

Finally, on the same days, Chinese Ambassador to the EU Fu supported the territorial integrity of Ukraine and the de-occupation of Ukrainian territories, while Brazil, India, South Africa, Turkey and Saudi Arabia were among the countries discussing the Ukrainian formula of peace.

Everyone moved (some significantly, some a little), and in the right direction. Weak Putin is not particularly interesting to anyone as a partner. The process has begun, glory to Ukraine!

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2023-06-29 16:46:00
#Alexander #Kirsch #Cash #ban #people #actively #wont #happen #bonus #lot #good #news #Blogs #OBOZREVATEL

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