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The changes as of March 22, 2021 (information portal Corona

With a resolution dated March 19, 2021, the state government changed its ordinance on infection protection measures against the spread of the coronavirus (Corona ordinance). The changes will take effect on March 22, 2021.

  • Extension of the extended mask requirement (medical mask or FFP2 / KN95 / N95 mask) to primary and secondary schools for pupils and teachers.
  • There is no exception for children from 6 to 14 years of age when wearing a mask. Instead of a so-called everyday mask, children now also have to wear a medical or FFP2 / KN95 / N95 mask.
  • Mask requirement for staff in daycare centers, elementary school support classes, after-school care centers, school kindergartens – except in exclusive contact with children The institutions can decide on further regulations.
  • Admission of alternating lessons to maintain the distance requirement for grades 5 and 6 as well as at all grades of the special needs education and counseling centers (SBBZ) with the special needs mental development, physical and motor development as well as SBBZ with other special needs with these courses.
  • Tutoring can take place in groups of up to five students in attendance. The extended mask requirement also applies here.
  • Music, art and youth art schools may offer lessons within the framework of the applicable contact restrictions. With a 7-day incidence of over 100 in the city / rural district, they are only allowed to offer online offers (emergency brake).
  • Drive-in theaters are allowed to reopen. Car concerts and car theaters can also take place again.
  • In physiotherapy and occupational therapy, speech therapy and podiatry, as well as medical foot care, a quick test is no longer required if a mask cannot be worn during treatment.
  • Driving schools may also hold advanced seminars in accordance with Section 2b of the Road Traffic Act (StVG) and seminars on fitness to drive in accordance with Section 4a of the StVG.

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