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“The change is already decided.” Buczyńska will leave the government

Agnieszka Buczyńska, who is the politician of Poland 2050, has not participated in a government meeting or work in the Sejm for half a year. The reason is the minister’s health problems. The politician was last present at the meeting of the Council of Ministers on April 16, 2024. As Wirtualna Polska writes, her dismissal, which has been discussed for several weeks, is to be decided.

– We hoped that the minister’s quick return would be possible, but the change is already certain – says one of the sources. Another person adds: “It’s a formal matter of finding a convenient date, but next week is probable.”

Buczyńska will most likely be replaced by the deputy minister in her ministry, Marek Krawczyk. She has been performing her duties since May 28. Members of Poland 2050 emphasize that the politician will retain his functions in the party and parliamentary club. Let us remind you that Buczyńska is the second vice-president of Poland 2050 and a member of the presidium of the Third Way club.

As WP reminds, Agnieszka Buczyńska is a social and political activist. She was a co-founder and vice-president of the Polska 2050 Association, and in March 2022 she became a member of the board of Szymon Hołownia’s party. Earlier in 2021, she was a member of the Gdańsk Council for the Development of Volunteering.

At the end of April, she was legally acquitted of the charges of misconduct during the organization of the Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, during which the president of Gdańsk, Paweł Adamowicz, was murdered.

“Purges” in the government

The upcoming anniversary of the parliamentary elections may be an opportunity for Prime Minister Donald Tusk to introduce personnel changes in the government.

“The change of one or several ministers, like the change of a coach in a football club, gives the entire team new energy, and gives fans and voters hope that things will get better. The anniversary of the elections or the anniversary of the establishment of the government could be a pretext for the reconstruction. Everything is, of course, in the hands of the Prime Minister. Donald Tusk. The ministers who may be most concerned about their positions are those who have recently become an image burden due to decisions or statements that did not appeal to the public opinion,” says “Super Express”.

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