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The chances of getting the Delta variant if you are vaccinated

The vaccinated with the complete regimen can contract the coronavirus. However, they have three times less chance of testing positive by the Delta variant of this disease. This has been the conclusion of a study carried out by scientists from Imperial College London and the Ipsos MORI company, where they have analyzed more than 98,000 PCR tests carried out between June 24 and July 12 of this year.

According to the results of the investigation, those vaccinated with the complete regimen have 3 times less risk of getting infected than the unvaccinated, even after being in contact with infected. Furthermore, the inoculated population has less chance of transmitting the virus to others.

In a release of the University, Paul Elliot, a professor at Imperial College London and one of the study’s authors, states that the findings “confirm our previous data showing that both doses of a vaccine offer good protection against infection ”.

But nevertheless, there is still a risk of infection. “No vaccine is 100% effective, and we know that some people with a double vaccination schedule can still get sick from the virus, “he explains. Therefore, it recommends continue to act with caution even though restrictions have already been lifted in some places like England.

The Delta variant

The analyzed samples correspond to a period where the Delta variant of the coronavirus was already the predominant in the United Kingdom. This has allowed researchers to further examine the behavior of vaccines with this strain.

Researchers have found that people vaccinated with the full regimen have between 50% and 60% less risk of becoming infected with coronavirus, including asymptomatic.

But again, this does not mean that you should let your guard down. “The Delta variant is known to be highly infectious and as a result, we can see from our data and others that it is being produced breakthrough infections in fully vaccinated people”Explains Steven Riley, another of the researchers.

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