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The Challenging Housing Market and Rise in Homelessness: A Closer Look

Difficult situation

“The situation on the housing market is anything but simple,” explains Stefan Heinz from the AGJ when he presented the balance sheet for 2022 to the administrative committee. The work of homeless assistance takes place in a “difficult environment” – high inflation, increasing poverty, unemployment, expensive rents. In Germany, homelessness has doubled, and there are currently almost no available apartments on the free market for people with low incomes.

According to him, 26 households in the margrave city were at risk of losing their apartment last year. Almost all of them had already been given notice of termination or an eviction notice (due to rent arrears, among other things), and a small proportion were living in “unreasonable tenancies”. Single men without children and couples with children were particularly affected; almost two thirds of households had a migrant background.

2023-10-27 18:20:36
#Schopfheim #dont #money #rent #Jaumann #publishing #house

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