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The Challenges of Marta Kubišová’s Illness and the Potential Impact on Václav Neckář’s 80th Birthday Concert

Václav Neckář will soon celebrate his 80th birthday. He decided to take his logs in style and is holding a birthday concert on Sunday. However, the participation of his close friend Marta Kubišová is in danger. They didn’t drink water in her house, so she got sick. His other colleague from the band Golden Kids, Helena Vondráčková, will not come to the concert either.

Singer Marta Kubišová is trying to recover from an unpleasant cold. Although the weather has been very cold in the Czech Republic for several days, they have not started heating her house. “They just didn’t drown, they only started drowning on Monday this week. Then some guys were running around and said that we can only set the heating to three and only on Sunday maybe to four,Kubišová confided to TN.cz.

Unfortunately, she fell ill with fevers because of it. She is therefore trying to get things together so that she can attend Václav Neckár’s birthday concert on Sunday. However, he still doesn’t feel quite fit. “I don’t feel well yet, far from it, I still have temperatures. But I suffered from it my whole life. Until I was 18, I was at home four times a year with angina,” revealed the singer.

He is still counting on the concert, but he is not sure if he will actually sing with his bandmate. “I will participate, but only after the evening concert. But I don’t know if I will sing, we have to make arrangements with the agency only on Saturday,” explained the legendary artist.

But she is still afraid that things will get worse. “How am I looking forward to the concert? Well, I mainly hope that it doesn’t get difficult until then,” added the singer. The whole situation with the heating made her quite upset.

“I have no idea why they didn’t drown, nobody told us anything. It should have started to melt when it was cold, I caught a cold, and since then I really don’t know anything. I don’t understand, last year I didn’t notice any mess, but this year it was terrible,Kubišová responded.

Even if she sang with Neckár, the return of the Golden Kids band is not on the agenda. Helena Vondráčková already has contracted work commitments at the time of the concert.

Holy Mary, I don’t even know what I have on that day, I have to look. How much is it? And where is it and what time is it?” TN.cz admitted that the celebration of a friend from her youth slipped from her mind.

A celebration of the queen of Czech music. Singer Marta Kubišová celebrated her 80th birthday (11/2022):


2023-10-21 06:32:00
#Vondráčková #Kubišovás #participation #danger #didnt #warm #house #fever #TN.cz

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