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The Challenges of Fame and Success: The Impact of Being in the Spotlight on Artists and Public Figures

A famous person is said to be famous, popular as opposed to a person unknownor anonymous.

The fame, the success can make life difficult. There reputation of a featured or a star can sometimes become a disadvantage for the artist. It’s easy to imagine that the life of a star is very different from the life ordinary because all his actions become public. Some artists known prefer to be under the projectors but others choose to stay in the shadowsthat’s to say anonymous et discreet.

The familiesthe banality and the ordinary daily also have advantages: well-being and tranquility for example.

Life as an artist is hard! is a common expression that shows the negative consequences of fame which are not always easy to manage.

Here are some expressions used to describe successful personalities:

  • to be in the spotlight
  • to be in the spotlight
  • to be a stage beast
  • be a star

It is often said of an artist who wants to preserve his private lifethat it is modest. Is this really the truth?

L’expression « be in the spotlight » is also used and translated into other languages.
But in Spanish and Polish, the stars are on the candlestick.

Many artists have changed their names and chosen pseudonyms.
This is called pen names or some stage names.

For example :

  • Aya Danioko: Aya Nakamura
  • Bigflo & Oli : Florian and Olivio Ordonez
  • George Sand as Amantine Aurore Dupin
  • Orelsan: Aurélien Cotentin
  • Stendhal: Henri Beyle
  • Stromae: Paul Van Haver

Source : site Let’s speak French, it’s easy! (2013-2022)
2024-01-02 17:09:26
#Vocabulary #Language #anonymity #TV5MONDE #Learn #French

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