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The challenge of making the internet a safe place for everyone

If we go back to the 1960s, towards the first foundations of what we know today as internet, surely we would not have imagined the impact that would come to have in the world little more than half a century later.

Submerged in the waves of the world wide web, Worldwide, more than 347 thousand 222 stories are produced every minute in photography apps, more than 41 million 666 thousand 667 chats are sent in messaging services and more than one million 388 thousand 889 people make voice and / or video calls . However, the other side of the coin is that, in those same 60 seconds, around 119 thousand are generated cyber threats, which annually represent an economic impact of more than 945 billion dollars.

On MexicoAlthough on average 66% of Mexicans use the internet, only 52.1% of households in the country have access to this type of technology. The mobile phone consolidates itself as the main Internet access route for 95.3% of users in Mexico, followed by computers laptops with 32.2% and desktop computers with 28.9%.

There is also a gradual but constant growth of the devices smart, laying the foundations of the so-called Internet of Things (IoT): 62% of Mexicans have a Smart TV, 45% have a video game console, 12% have installed security cameras connected to the network, and 6% use smart lighting solutions.

Although 90% of users in our country use the internet to search for information, communicate or consume entertainment content, it can also be a problematic space for more than one.

According to figures from the Index of Digital Civility, 76% of Mexicans have felt exposed in their online interactions, where four out of 10 users have been involved in an incident of cyber bullying.

Another hot spot in local connected environments is geared towards Cybercrime, leading Mexico to earn unpleasant recognitions as the seventh place worldwide in reception of malicious emails, the fifth country with the most cases of spyware and the second regional place in data hijacking.

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A great tool, but it has its risks

Mexicans surf the internet an average of almost nine hours a day, therefore, it is important to take into account the lights and shadows of connected environments: they are the gateway to an inexhaustible accumulation of information, but they can also be a space dangerous For the users.

This is why it is important to make responsible use of the network, taking into account the implementation of preventive measures, response and mitigation of attacks, especially in business ecosystems.

Today the strategies of cybersecurity must go beyond the perimeter, virtual environments such as web platforms and cloud services have exceeded any notion of traditional protection. Layered, hybrid or bi-directional, today’s security needs to have coverage from the server to the human factor, encompassing not only hardware, software and services, but also soft elements such as governance, Privacy and confidentiality, critical guidelines that must be taken into account by users, but also and in a fundamental way by technology suppliers and manufacturers.

As more and more figures assume the role of safeguarding beyond systems and data, and move towards the protection of processes and people, the world will be more secure. Not just online, but in real life too.

By: Hiram Monroy, Director of Commercial Sales for AMD in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean.

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