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The Chadian ambassador to Cameroon returns

Tensions between Cameroon and Chad are diplomatically under control, and the atmosphere somewhat relaxed, after the involvement of the senior leaders of the two countries in the resolution of the Savanah Energy affair. The proof of this lull is the return to his duties of the Ambassador of Chad in Cameroon, His Excellency Djidda Moussa Outhman, who was authorized by the government of his country to return to his post this Wednesday, June 7, 2023, after 44 days of vacancy, when he had been recalled by his country on April 24.

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Summit meetings took place following this decision by Chad. The Secretary General to the Presidency of the Republic, Ferdinand Ngoh Ngoh, was dispatched to Ndjamena where he was received by the Chadian President, Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno, for discussions with a view to ironing out the differences around this affair. The dialogue was maintained between the two countries, and subsequently, the Secretary General at the Presidency of Chad, Gali Ngothjé Gatta, also made the trip to Cameroon in order to untangle the web.

« This made it possible to defuse the tension and continue to further strengthen this excellent relationship of fraternal and age-old cooperation between the two countries. “Said Chadian government spokesman Ibrahim Adam Mahamat in a statement released today.

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At the diplomatic level, everything seems to be back to normal in this affair of the management of Chadian oil which passes through Cameroon, even if there are still misunderstandings between the operators, with certain politicians who pull the strings in the shadows.

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