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The CGT brings Pope Francis a document with warnings about Milei’s economic plan


In another meeting that can be interpreted as a political gesture, the Pope Francis will receive a delegation of trade unionists from the CGT which will be headed by Hector Daer y Pablo Moyano. The leaders will give the pontiff a document with their concerns about the consequences of the economic plan Javier Miley and they will express their wishes for him to return to the country. The focus of the letter would be on the growth of poverty and the decline in employment with the hope that the Pope will support a possible claim against the Government.

Last week the Pope received the governor of La Rioja, Ricardo Quintelaone of the President’s toughest opponents and aspiring to lead the PJ from November. Next month he will host a large union delegation, which in addition to Daer and Moyano will also include Gerardo Martínez, Andrés Rodríguez, José Luis Lingeri and Maia Volcovinsky.

This trip to the Vatican could delay the internal debate in the CGT on how to continue its ties with the Government after the refusal to participate in the Social Dialogue table together with businessmen and labor judges. In this context, the Secretary of Labor, Julio Corderounder the supervision of the Minister of Deregulation and State Transformation, Federico Sturzenegger, define the fine print of the regulations of the labor reform that was included in the Ley Bases. There are three articles that are objected to by the unions. One is the one that defines the creation of the figure of the independent worker with up to three independent collaborators in charge; the second point is the one that establishes the penalization of blockades and takeovers of companies by considering them “serious labor injury,” which enables employers to fire with cause those who participate in this type of protests, and the last has to do with new obstacles for a self-employed worker to prove an employment relationship.

The date of the meeting with the Pope was confirmed THE NATION by a CGT leader familiar with the organization. The Pope will leave Rome for Jakarta, Indonesia, on September 2, and will end his tour on the 13th of the same month in Singapore. If his state of health and physical condition permit, three days later he will receive the trade unionists aligned with Peronism.

This is not the first time that the Pope has received representatives of trade unions. On June 12, he met at the Holy See with the general secretary of the Argentine Association of Flight Attendants, Juan Pablo BreyThey were photographed together with a union flag and another one from Aerolíneas Argentinas. The image came just when the Senate of the Nation was debating the Ley Bases, which planned the privatization of the flagship airline.

Aerolíneas Argentinas. Pope Francis

That same day, at another hearing, Jose Voytencothe leader of the rural workers of the Uatre, presented him with an ambitious project prepared by his technical teams. This is the initiative “Zero Hunger in Argentina” aimed at distributing food among vulnerable people in the country and which proposed coordination between the Church itself, the State and the unions.

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