Illegality at the top in Calabria in terms of propensity and in Lombardy in terms of impact

With the exception of Molise, the unobserved size of the economy has decreased in all regions of Italy, which, we recall, is made up of under-declaration, irregular work and other undeclared activities. At a regional level, the latest available data refers to 2021 which shows that, in absolute terms, the most important contractions concerned Lazio with -2.2 billion euros, Lombardy -1.9 billion, Campania with -1 billion and Tuscany with -943 million euros (see Tab. 1). This is what the CGIA Research Office says.

  • Where is the presence of tax evasion, “black” work and the illegal economy more widespread? Depending on how we measure it, in Lombardy or Calabria

There are two units of measurement to evaluate the weight of the unobserved economy. In absolute value or in percentage terms on the regional added value. If the first method is used, the phenomenon is concentrated in the northern regions which tend to be characterized by a greater number of inhabitants and with a level of wealth produced much higher than the average. In fact, the highest impact of the unobserved economy is recorded in Lombardy with 31.3 billion euros. Lazio follows with 20.9, Campania with 18, Veneto with 15 and Emilia Romagna with 14.8 (see Tab. 2). Differently, if we take as a reference parameter the percentage impact of this social and economic plague on the regional added value (practically the GDP), the most affected area is Calabria with 19.2 percent. Campania follows with 18, Puglia with 17.6, Sicily with 17.3, Sardinia and Molise both with 16.3 (see Tab. 3). As can be seen, comparing the amounts to the added value produced in each region, we find the usual dichotomy between the regions of the North and those of the South, with the latter showing a greater tendency towards non-compliance.

  • Evasion fell to 82.4 billion

The estimate of tax evasion, this time understood as unpaid taxes and contributions, is also decreasing. According to data from the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), in 2021 (latest data available) tax and contribution evasion in Italy fell to 82.4 billion euros, of which 72 attributable to tax revenues and 10 ,4 to the contributions. It should be noted that the overall figure decreased by 17.8 billion compared to 2019 (-17.8 percent).

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