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the CFDT disputes the future price of the bus ticket

The new price list provides for a change in the price of the single ticket (currently 1.30 euros) for occasional journeys, which will rise to 1.20 euros for those who pay in advance and 1.50 euros for those who buy the ticket from the driver. This measure does not appeal to the CFDT, which considers it “discriminatory”.

It is well written that the driver-receiver’s job is to drive and sell tickets

“The principle of public law is that all citizens should be treated equally by public services. Transport with the RTCR is a public service, the prices for the same ticket cannot therefore be differentiated according to the method of payment ”, explains Philippe Goullieux, of the territorial union of pensioners CFDT. According to him, this will “widen the digital divide between generations” and harm the elderly, “uncomfortable with virtual devices, with old and unsuitable equipment” or simply without a mobile phone.

Former pilot of the RTCR and CFDT delegate, retired since 2005, Claude Boisson goes further. For him, this new practice would be “out of the ordinary”. “It is well written that the driver-receiver’s job is to drive and sell tickets. There is a national collective agreement for urban transport. Will the La Rochelle board change it? »

“Moving the Buses Forward”

“It has never been said that RTCR drivers will no longer sell tickets,” replies Bertrand Ayral, vice president of the Agglomeration in charge of mobility. We’ll just make sure to reduce this activity to keep the buses moving forward. »

The elected also denies participating in the “digital divide”. “Everyone will be entitled to the rate of 1.20 euros. It is a postpaid ticket that can be purchased by telephone, from an application, but also from an account on the Internet or, physically, at the Maison des mobilités. [place de Verdun, NDLR]by reloading a smart card. »

The future ticket office will be entrusted to the company Ubi Transportation. “It’s a new concept. There are few of them in France because it is a new technology, Bertrand Ayral points out. The goal is to set a ceiling. This will allow the user who purchases single tickets and has made many journeys to be notified that he has reached the subscription level. You pay for what you consume,” he sums up.

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