Home » today » News » The ceremony flag donated by Cadena 3 Argentina arrives at the house of General San Martín in Cervatos | Radio Palencia

The ceremony flag donated by Cadena 3 Argentina arrives at the house of General San Martín in Cervatos | Radio Palencia

The ceremony flag of the Republic of Argentina what has donated Chain 3 Argentina has been installed today in the main hall of the General San Martín House Museum, Official Museum of Castilla y León included in the category of ‘Cultural Heritage Interpretation Center and located in the Palencia town of Cervatos de la Cueza. In this house, lived the family of José de San Martín, liberator of Argentina, Chile and Peru.

The objective of this donation is to vindicate that episode in common history on such a special day for Argentines as August 17, which commemorates the 170th anniversary of the death of José de San Martín. Likewise, “with this gesture of union and harmony we intend that Argentines incorporate Cervatos de la Cueza and by extension Palencia into the feeling of gratitude that is professed to our beloved General San Martín,” said Cadena 3 Argentina correspondent Adrián Cragnolini .

The mayor of Cervatos de la Cueza, Inmaculada Malanda, has received the banner from the hands of Adrián Cragnolini and both have discovered the commemorative plaque that records this act in which the president of the Palencia Provincial Council, María de los Ángeles Armisén and the vice president of the Palencia Provincial Council, Luís Calderón. María Teresa Berthet, president of the Fontaneda Foundation, also participated in this symbolic moment.

“From Cervatos de la Cueza we are proud that a person who fought for the legitimate right of peoples to be free to decide their destiny comes from a small town in Tierra de Campos Palentina. We invite all Spaniards and Argentines to come to know an important part of our common history, “said Malanda. For his part, Armisén explained that “the Diputación de Palencia has always been committed to dissemination and twinning with Argentina.” And he added that this House Museum is one of the places that “any Argentine would want to visit to know the origin of their liberator, in addition, it is close to many artistic and heritage routes in the province of Palencia.”

On the other hand, Berthet acknowledged that she is proud “to see that the work that my husband and I did years ago with the reconstruction and creation of this House Museum is recognized years later and serves not only to commemorate such a historical figure, but also to learn about how our ancestors lived in Castilla. This experience has helped us to get closer to our beloved Argentina, a sister country from which I have beautiful memories and great friends. “

The event has been broadcast live to 2 million listeners through the most listened-to network of stations in Argentina, Cadena 3 and Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/Cadena3Argentina/ This special program has been guided by the two Argentina’s best-known radio presenters, Mario Pereyra and Miguel Clariá, recent winners of the prestigious CONEX award, for the best journalists of 2020.

Support from Argentine institutions and associations

Various groups of national prestige have taken the initiative to support this donation. Among them, the Sanmartiniano National Institute, created in 1933 in order to promote historical research and the dissemination of the thought of General José de San Martín. The Argentine Network of Public Relations and Protocol, the Cordovan Association of Professional Public Relations, the Association of Reservist Grenadiers of the Republic of Argentina, the Historical House of Independence Museum, or the TOAS Concertación of veteran soldiers have also joined.

The Palentina Family of José de San Martín

The San Martín Family House currently functions as a museum open to the public and is visited annually by hundreds of Argentines, many of them pilgrims who make the Camino de Santiago that runs a few kilometers from the house.

Juan de San Martín was born on February 3, 1728 in Cervatos de la Cueza (Palencia) and was part of a noble middle-class family whose house has been declared an Asset of Cultural Interest since 2000. In 1746, at the age of 18, Juan de San Martín joined the Spanish army. Sixteen years later, in 1762, he was assigned to Buenos Aires as an instructor for the Spanish Volunteer Militia Battalion. In the Argentine capital he married Gregoria Matorras (Paredes de Nava, 1767) and they had five children, among them José Francisco de San Martín, liberator of Argentina, Peru and Chile.

Support from the Fontaneda family

The Fontaneda Berthet couple (Eugenio and María Teresa), cultural patrons of the province of Palencia, were the architects of the project of this ethnographic museum that they set up at their own expense. The House-Museum of the San Martín in Cervatos de la Cueza presents the double status of an ethnographic museum of life in Tierra de Campos, at the same time that it recalls the Castilian roots of General José de San Martín.

The museum, after its complete fitting out and endowment, was later donated in its entirety to the Instituto Español Sanmartiniano. Likewise, Eugenio Fontaneda wrote the book “Raíces Castellanas de José de San Martín” where, in addition to presenting his restoration project, he published his Castilian genealogical studies of the Argentine hero.

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