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The Centre-Val de Loire dog brigades trained in the air, aboard a helicopter

It was a first for many duos. Dogs and handlers of the Centre-Val de Loire were gathered this Thursday at the Château de Charbonnière. On the program, an exercise aboard a “Squirrel” helicopter from the Tours air force section.

Goal for the afternoon:Accustom dog handlers, and especially dogs, to use a helicopter in an operational setting, especially in an emergency“, explained Lieutenant-Colonel Stéphane Cousin. Under conditions similar to those of an intervention, fifteen pairs took turns on board the aircraft.

“A helicopter is not something everyone is used to. There are safety standards to be respected, positions, behaviors to have. It is a device that blows a lot; there are dangers with the blades… So there is a whole process both on the apprehension of the helicopter, as well as the technical details of the helicopter hoisting strictly speaking, with all that is harnessing, for the master and his dog.”

After a detailed briefing, all the gendarmes and their dogs therefore took a short tour in the air to apprehend these new sensations. And the most experienced participated in a complete helicopter winch, with drop-off on the ground.

Stress or excitement, depending on the dog

The exercise made it possible to test the reactions and behaviors of each partner, human and canine.

The German shepherd of Chief Warrant Officer Franky, of the canine investigation group (GIC) of Châteauneuf-sur-Loire, in the Loiret, climbed for the first time in a helicopter. He was also being winched for the first time. “He had a little stress when the machine landed in front of him, but then it went well, he was calm. I’m happy with his behavior,” described his handler.

Franky, policeman in the Loiret and his Saint-Hubert, Ouligane, decorated after the hunt for a madman

Xavier, from the GIC of Bourges, in the Cher, meanwhile flew away with Orion, his Belgian shepherd Malinois. “There was a bit of apprehension because it’s windy, it’s noisy, the dog doesn’t know… First, he sees his congeners, that can reassure him, and then afterwards, on board , it’s up to us to caress it, to reassure it.Satisfied, Xavier concluded with a smile: “To renew !”

Rocky, Sandrine’s dog, from the GIC of Bléré, in Indre-et-Loire, was not at his first attempt aboard a helicopter. Until he jumped aboard the plane himself, all excited. “He’s used to the helicopter, he loves it!”, smiled Sandrine after the exercise. “On the other hand, it was our first helicopter winch, for the dog as for myself. Everyone has their fears: I’m a little afraid of heights, he felt it… It was impressive but he behaved very very well, so I’m happy! team work !

Teams that now have an additional skill: that of being able to intervene by air, if necessary.

Gendarmerie negotiator in the Centre-Val de Loire region, a specialty apart

Maude Milekovic

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