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The central part of the United States was covered by a snow storm

Snow storm hits the central US

Colorado canceled more than 2,000 flights, but the storm also hit South Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming and South Dakota.

A blizzard hit the central United States. About it informs Fox News on Monday 15 March.

Precipitation began on Sunday morning local time. Now the central states are covered by a storm in the form of snow, hail and torrential rain.

The elements hit Southern Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska – there were floods due to the storm. Also heavy snowfall and rain occurred in Colorado, Wyoming and South Dakota. At the same time, in some states of the northeast of the country, about 70 cm of precipitation fell.

More than two thousand flights were canceled in Colorado due to bad weather.

According to forecasters, bad weather will move east. From Tuesday to Wednesday, tornadoes and hail will rage in the southern United States.

Recall that earlier almost 60 people became victims of frost and snowfall in the USA… The worst blizzard in 30 years has killed 58 people in the United States. Texas suffered the most, and was even declared a natural disaster zone.

Without light and heating. Winter collapse in the southern United States

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