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“The celebrity did not make me go crazy”

Daniel Radcliffe, 32, who gave a recent interview to the newspaper The Mirror, said to have been able to keep a cool head: “People are astonished that the celebrity did not make me go crazy”. Become a child star at the age of 11, he had been thrown into the light by playing the character of Harry Potter for more than ten years.

At the outset, nothing foreshadowed the planetary success of his fantastic epics in the cinema. But from the start of his career, the famous Briton explains that he was aware of the “very low expectations” of people on what he would become afterwards. “Which is great, because luckily I always surprise them for the better.”

Sober since 2010

Honest, Daniel had yet admitted in 2019 to have experienced a slump with a strong addiction to alcohol. Sober since 2010, he had managed to avoid scandals in the press, unlike other child stars such as Macaulay Culkin, Lindsay Lohan or Justin Bieber. Today stable and in good health, to whom does he owe this good behavior, if not to himself? “It’s a question that comes up often and I don’t have a satisfactory answer to give.”

Since 2012, the actor has also had the chance to be in a relationship with the American actress Erin Darke, 36 years old. He also thanks his father, Alan, literary agent, and his mother, Marcia, casting director, who have always listened to him: “With each film, they asked me if I was having fun and if I wanted to continue”.

(The Essential / ACY)

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