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The celebrities who tied the red scarf of San Fermín

The San Fermín festivities, commonly known as Sanfermines, are one of the most representative festivals in Spain, which are celebrated every year around July 7 in the city of Pamplona. There are many Spanish citizens who live these important dates with fervor and this year with more reason, since they had not been celebrated for three years due to the pandemic.

It is precisely for this reason that in 2022 the desire to celebrate this festival has become even more pronounced, with several well-known faces who have wanted to move to the capital of Navarra to experience first-hand the emotion of these significant days. This is the case of Norma Duval, who on July 6 shared a video from the Pamplona town hall on her Instagram profile minutes before the emblematic chupinazo begins, an act that each year kicks off the San Fermín festivities.

Apparently the featured She is a regular at this festivity, but the truth is that she is not the only one. Cristina Brownoriginally from Pamplona, ​​connected with the program Red Hot to tell his colleagues how he was experiencing the beginning of these parties that he almost never misses.

Although this year there have not been many celebrities who have been seen enjoying the emblematic proclamation, the truth is that in previous years we have been able to see many celebrities with the typical red scarf tied around his neck accompanying the people of Pamplona on their most special dates and enjoying a few days of revelry and meetings.

Like a good Navarrese, Rarely is the time that Mariló Montero misses the opportunity to travel to his homeland to meet up with their loved ones and spend the well-known parties with them. In the same way, as the magazine Week, Cayetano Rivera also visited Pamplona years ago coinciding with the celebration of this festivity of International Tourist Interest, like her aunt Belén Ordoñez.

The aforementioned publication also recalls the time when Elsa Pataky enjoyed the Sanfermines. And it is that, although it should be noted that this happened before she became an international star, the truth is that she spent the holidays with well-known faces such as Mario Vaquerizo, Bibiana Fernández or the incomparable Rossy de Palma.

If we have to think of one of the most faithful celebrities to the San Fermín festivities, Miguel Indurain immediately comes to mind. The fact that the cyclist has worn the traditional red scarf on numerous occasions is not a secret. Álvaro Muñoz Escassi, Juan Mari Arzak, Karlos Arguiñano, or the late Lina Morgan and Lola Flores also wanted to blend in with the people of Pamplona at some point in their lives.

But the stars that have strolled through the central streets of Pamplona are not only nationals. Ernest Hemingway, the director Orson Welles, the actress Ava Gardner, the writer Arthur Miller, or the former president of the United States, Bill Clinton, also visited the Navarran capital for San Fermín, as did Audrey Hepburn and Sean Connery, who enjoyed the parties in 1975.

The repercussion of these dates is such that, on several occasions, the San Fermín festivities have also come to attract the attention of a member of the Spanish Royal Family. It was in 2013 when Froilán accompanied his father, Jaime de Marichalar, to the Sanferminesa party that you have surely been able to enjoy with your friends several years later.

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