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The CEC received more than 100 complaints of coercion to vote

As of June 27, the Central Election Commission (CEC) received 105 appeals regarding possible coercion to vote on constitutional amendments and the use of administrative resources, its chairman Ella Pamfilova said. Voting started on June 25th.

Among these appeals, 29 – in Moscow, 35 – in St. Petersburg. According to Ms. Pamfilova, 75 complaints deserve serious attention, since they contain specific indications of employers who committed violations. According to her, the number of regions from which appeals come has increased. For example, this is Mari El, Kirov region, Stavropol Territory. The CEC passes information to the heads of regions and law enforcement agencies.

“People turned and were not afraid to substitute themselves, they turned and are sure that we will protect them. And we have to do it. These people do not create fakes, they subscribe and speak, ”said Mrs. Pamfilova (quote from Interfax).

Recall that the main voting day is July 1, it will be a day off. However, in fact, you can vote for seven days, from June 25 to July 1. Residents of Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod region can vote in electronic form. Opposition campaign “No!” – the service that collects complaints about possible violations at the ballot earlier stated about 150 appeals, and the CEC – about 70.

Read about the discrepancy between the data of the opposition and the CEC in the material of Kommersant “Complaint.net”.

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