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The CDU nominates Manuel Herder for the state election – Freiburg

The publisher Manuel Herder is the candidate for the constituency of Freiburg 1. He prevailed against two candidates in the first ballot.

Manuel Herder was nominated by the 172 CDU members present in the Kurhaus in Titisee. He prevailed against the Freiburg entrepreneur Ruth Baumann and the union secretary Andreas Ziegler. The constituency extends from the east of Freiburg into the Black Forest.

Herder was elected with 114 votes in the first ballot. Baumann received 48 votes, 8 members voted for Ziegler. Two members abstained.

The 54-year-old Herder lives in Buchenbach and made it clear in his speech what he wants to stand up for as a politician. As a family entrepreneur, it is important for him to strengthen the middle class and to have equal opportunities in the education system. “It doesn’t have to matter whether the parents speak German or not or whether they are academics,” said Herder. One must raise the full potential of society. He also stands for internal security.

When it comes to ecology and environmental protection, too, Herder does not want other parties to take the butter off his bread. “Our beautiful blue planet is partially a rehabilitation case,” said Herder. In the past, however, it was conservative popular parties that ensured that the Rhine was clean again, the acid rain ended and Lake Constance could become a drinking water reservoir for Stuttgart. This remediation of the environment is one of the greatest challenges in history. However, this cannot be achieved through “fear-driven hysteria”.

Herder wanted to fight to win back the constituency that had been in CDU hands for decades. “How do we want to win in Baden-Württemberg if we don’t win this constituency,” said Herder.

Members of the CDU district associations Freiburg, Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald and Waldshut were present at the nomination event.

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