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The C’Chartres BM defeats the Union Tours BM

Bis repetita. As in the previous confrontation of December 11, also friendly, C’Chartres BM beat Union Tours BM, this Sunday January 3, in a preparation match between two contenders for accession to ProB.

Le C’Chartres BM facing Tours this Sunday

Sébastien Lambert’s team, only deprived of Christopher Békoulé-Ekambi, won 83 to 77 after a game played almost to the end.

See you in five days

Led by one point at the break (41-42), after having nevertheless signed a good first quarter (23-19), the CCBM took back control after returning from the locker room (63-62, 30 ‘). And ended up making a difference.

“It was a good working game,” says Sébastien Lambert. We were a little too permissive in the first period with 8 points conceded on stray balls and 12 on offensive rebounds. But we raised the level of intensity in the second half. “

Sencanski comes out on injury

The downside is Dejan Sencanski’s injury. The Serbian winger suffered a sprained finger, the severity of which remains to be determined, which forced him to exit early in the game.

He has five days ahead of him to recover. The Chartrains will be back on the floor of the Jean-Cochet hall from this Friday, January 8. It will always be in camera. But this time it will be for an official match. A meeting against Boulogne which will mark the resumption of the National 1 championship.

Franck Thébault

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