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The cause of loss of appetite that hinders growth and development in children

[메디컬투데이=최민석 기자] The total amount of food a child eats is insufficient for the child’s growth and health, and a lack of interest in eating is called ‘childish anorexia’. In a broad sense, eating habits that favor certain foods or eat unevenly can also fall into the category of anorexia.

The causes of loss of appetite can be broadly divided into six types.

First, there is a weakening of digestion and absorption. The primary organ of digestion is the stomach, but in fact, all five organs and six organs are involved in digestion and absorption. Therefore, if any of the organs is weak, digestion and absorption may be impaired and the child may refuse to eat food.

Second, it is congenital weakness. Premature or premature babies, as well as those whose mothers were weak during pregnancy or who suffered from severe morning sickness or insomnia, are born with an innate ability to digest and absorb, so digestion and absorption may be impaired and appetite may decrease.

Third, minor illnesses such as frequent colds and fever. A child who has frequent colds is likely to have weakened physical strength and immunity, which weakens the function of the intestines and reduces appetite. Additionally, if you take antibiotics or antihistamines for a long time due to a residual illness, digestion and absorption may decrease.

Fourth, picky eating and snacking. If a child eats certain foods well, such as snacks and meat, but does not eat Korean food or vegetables, he or she may be considered a picky eater. In this case, correction of the child’s eating habits is absolutely necessary.

news/data/20231120/p1065604017879699_321_thum.jpg?resize=300%2C450&ssl=1" width="300" height="450" layout="responsive"/>▲ Director Ki Yu-mi (Photo = Provided by Sotong Oriental Medical Clinic)
Fifth, there is a decrease in outdoor activities and lack of exercise. Children who participate in a lot of indoor activities often suffer from loss of appetite due to lack of exercise and activity. Therefore, it is important to improve appetite by increasing the activity of intestinal function through physical exercise and outdoor activities.

Sixth, there is stress at the dinner table. A child who is often scolded at the table perceives eating as a pain rather than a pleasure. Repeated stress at the table can slow down intestinal movement and reduce the secretion of digestive juices, causing a decrease in appetite and difficulty feeling hunger.

Director Ki Yu-mi of Sotong Oriental Medicine Clinic said, “If children’s loss of appetite is prolonged, it can eventually lead to various metabolic diseases caused by lack of specific nutrients, such as weight loss, constipation, and anemia. “It can also lead to poor growth,” he advised. “Especially in cases where loss of appetite is caused by congenital factors or diseases rather than poor eating habits, active treatment is needed.”

[ⓒ 메디컬투데이. 무단전재-재배포 금지]

2023-11-21 00:00:00

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