Home » today » Health » The cattle slaughter remained high during February due to the drought – Comercio y Justicia

The cattle slaughter remained high during February due to the drought – Comercio y Justicia

According to data from Senasa, the slaughter reached 1,084 million bovines during February, which means an increase of 6% with relationship to the animals processed by the industry in the same month of the last year.

Although there is a drop compared to January, it should be taken into account that there were 3 fewer business days, and that ultimately the average slaughter per day in February ended up being high.

These data show that the livestock supply continues to be important, and that this has to do with the drought that continues to punish different productive regions.

The data provided also infers that the recomposition of values that occurred since the beginning of the year, and with more force in February, It is not explained by the lack of finance, but by the necessary recomposition of income of the commercial and industrial sectors.

Many of these operators also have feedlot farms and cannot continue to tolerate the losses that have been accumulating, not only in cattle finishing, but also in meat production, since in the last year energy and prices have increased sharply. wages.

Given this scenario, it remains to be seen how this improvement will be transferred to the values ​​in the gondola. For now, this difficulty is stopping the continuity of the recomposition of the price in the Agricultural Market of Cañuelas.

Regarding the composition of the slaughter, the sum of steers and steers is equal to that of February of last year, and if the contribution of calves, MEJ (young whole male) and bulls is added, males represented 53% of the total, and consequently the females the remaining 47%.

In this case, an increase in the slaughter of heifers of 6% is observed, as a consequence of the offer of the feedlots that were used to finish cattle in some way in months of severe drought.

In addition, it is clear from the data provided by Senasa, thatCompared to last year, the supply of cows was 20% higherwhich accounts for the need for breeders to make contacts in advance, and in this way free the fields earlier, since the rains do not arrive and it is necessary to keep only the productive animals.

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