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The Catastrophic Aftermath of the Kakhovskaya Hydroelectric Power Station Explosion

The explosion of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station has become a large-scale man-made disaster since the restoration of Ukraine’s independence. Every day the water level in the reservoir falls, which is fraught with catastrophic consequences.

Because of its size, the Kakhovka Reservoir was often called the sea by the locals. Now only a trace remains of the “sea” because of the terrorists.

Pay attention “No longer dead, but a critical zone”: Ukrhydroenergo on the consequences for the Kakhovka reservoir

Consequences of the Russian terrorist attack

After the dam was blown up, the reservoir began to become shallow, and its depth is now a little over 10 meters. That is, now it is impossible to take water for household consumers at the Zaporozhye NPP.

It is expected that after stabilization, instead of the Kakhovka reservoir, only the water level that corresponds to the Dnieper will remain – 1 kilometer wide and 6-7 meters deep.

Kakhovka Reservoir before and after the Russian terrorist attack: poignant video

What are the consequences of the explosion of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station

After the Russians blew up the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station on June 6, dozens of settlements in the Kherson region were flooded. Water sometimes even demolished houses. Therefore, more than 3,000 people were evacuated to the right bank of the Kherson region, and evacuation to the left bank is almost impossible – the territory is occupied by Russians. In addition, the Russians are shelling Kherson and rescuers and volunteers are under fire, so by evacuating people they are risking their own lives.

The explosion of the dam caused a catastrophic drop in the water level in the Dnieper, which is why a number of cities that received water from the reservoir have problems with water supply. Also, Zaporozhye NPP can no longer receive water. Now the power units are cooled with water from the pond near the station – this is enough while the power units are operating in the “cold mode”.

Undermining the dam will lead to desalination of the Black Sea and pollution with garbage, waste and fuel from the HPP turbines – from 150 to 500 tons.

In addition, due to flooding, the spread of infections is possible. As well as an increased mine danger, since the water randomly carries ammunition.

The restoration of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station after the de-occupation of the entire Kherson region will cost Ukraine about 1 billion euros, but it is difficult to estimate all the losses inflicted on our country. Building, filling the reservoir and rebuilding the South after the tragedy could take many years.

2023-06-10 18:39:00

#Kakhovka #reservoir #terrorist #attack #video

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