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The casino robbers threatened to harm the employee’s brother

The robbers who made their move on the Pierre de Jonge casino on the Havermarkt in Breda earlier this month threatened to harm the brother of a casino employee if he didn’t cooperate. One of the robbers showed pictures of an accomplice standing at his brother’s house.

The 27-year-old employee must have been terrified. Police shared details about the case to Opsporing Verzoeken on Tuesday evening. In the early morning of Sunday 6 November, the woman was met by one of her perpetrators at her car in the De Prins car park on Middellaan. She was forced to sit in her car next to the robber as she drove down Gravenstraat in central Breda.

From there, the woman had to walk to the Havermarkt casino, about a five-minute walk away. She has been ordered by the robber to fill a rose gold trolley with money from the safe. Otherwise her accomplice would have hurt her little brother. Meanwhile, the waiting attacker prowled on a terrace on the Haven in Breda.

Well-prepared thieves
It is clear that the perpetrators have prepared their robbery to the smallest detail. “The woman they attacked has access to the casino’s safe room and security codes. Also, the men knew where she parked her car and where her brother lived,” police said.

The nightmare is not over yet
After the casino employee filled the suitcase with money, they returned to his car together. But the nightmare wasn’t over yet. The robbers ordered her to sit in the car for fifteen minutes. “At that time she was not allowed to go anywhere or hire anyone, still under threat of violence against her brother.”

In addition to the woman being extorted to give money from the casino, her purses were also taken. The robber eventually left with a full suitcase. “It was visibly heavy, as it held a lot of coins in addition to paper money,” police said.

Bald man in bath slippers
It is not yet clear who the authors are. They spoke to each other “in a language unknown to the victim,” police said.

The perpetrator who threatened the employee spoke English and Dutch with a foreign accent. He wore a North Face jacket and Nike sweatpants and cap. Both robbers clarified that they were carrying a firearm.

Police are also looking for a specific bystander who could be a key witness. “It concerns a bald man, with glasses, walking on the Gravenstraat in bathing slippers. Do you know or do you know who this man could be, please let us know,” the police shout.

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