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the case that removed Rodrigo Lussich and América TV SHOW El Intransigente

In the most recent issue of the «Show of the Scandalones » a delicate subject was touched upon. And is that Rodrigo Lussich received alarming images from the brother of Mariana Nannis, Gonzalo, handcuffed and wanted to know what happened to the media. In fact, the animator of America TV could count on the testimony of the protagonist live.

«Going over a bit, we have these images that Gonzalo Nannis’s neighbors have sent us to clarify. He is going to tell us what happened, why he was handcuffed at the door of his own house. Then I think the police did not take him into custody, but there was a situation where many people went out to film on the balconies, “explained the animator.

Already present on the mobile, Alexander Caniggia’s uncle presented his version of events: «It is an issue with my wife’s daughter who is 14 years old. She lived with her grandmother for up to 4 months, her grandmother died, she had many behavioral problems at home. He left with my wife’s sister, it lasted 10 days ».

«Behavior problems, lack of respect, insults…. ended up going to a friend’s house to live because a social worker took her away, she spent 3 months they got rid of her. Since she is my wife’s daughter, I told her to come here, a few months ago the problems began. whores, insults and there comes a time when you react and go to bed until any hour … crazy, I’m not used to this kind of thing, “he added.

Regarding the central motive in the discussion, the man stated: «By cutting the internet on Friday night, an argument started. It is seen that the screams are heard, it is normal. the girl called the police, made up things. The other day the social worker came and said ‘it is the fourth house that has problems, it has one more problem, it is going to a reformatory’ “.

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