The Oslo police district has charged Jan Helge Andersen (41) in the new Baneheia investigation. The accusation has come in connection with a search of the home of the 41-year-old convicted murderer.
In an e-mail, public prosecutors Johan Øverberg and Andreas Schei write that Andersen is automatically charged as a result of the search.
– The fact that Jan Helge Andersen has the status of accused, is an automatic consequence of the fact that a limited search has been carried out on him, as part of the investigation of the case complex, Øverberg and Schei write.
It was VG who first mentioned the charge.
“Jan Helge is drunk”
– Illuminate the case as best as possible
Dagbladet has been in contact with Schei on Monday night. In an e-mail signed by the two public prosecutors, he writes that the status of the accused means that Andersen has some special rights in the case.
– The case is still under investigation. The purpose is to shed light on the case in the best possible way. An investigation against Jan Helge Andersen will naturally also be relevant to Viggo Kristiansen’s position. The search does not mean that the police or the prosecuting authority have taken a position on the question of guilt and the further prosecution of the case, the public prosecutors write.
At the same time, they do not want to disclose what Andersen is charged with.
– We have no further comments, the public prosecutors write.