The student ran a pro-Russian Telegram channel in the hope that Mikhail Fedorov would want to meet with him, as happened with the fraudster who created the fake program “Diya”.
A 23-year-old student of the history department from the city of Kolomyia, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Mikhail Sadovyak created and administered the pro-Russian Telegram channel “Kherson Republic”, thus trying to frame one of his teachers. The young man added there the contact details of a teacher who was late for lectures and showed disdain for him, and then reposted Russian propaganda to this channel. For this, a resident of Kolomyia received 6 years in prison.
A video interview with a Carpathian collaborator is available look on the YouTube channel of Ukrainian journalist Vladimir Zolkin.
As it turned out, revenge was not the only motive that motivated the history student. According to the convict, he found it funny and interesting to read the comments under the reposts. “For example, some wrote how to get a Russian passport, and others, what is it for, follow a Russian ship, etc. I was curious to read such comments under these pro-Russian publications,” – said Mikhail Sadowiak.
“But it looks really stupid, – Zolkin commented. – What prompted you to do this?”
“Yes, just to misbehave, replied the collaborator. – I also thought that they would write about me in the news as the student who created the fake “Diya”. There’s more of him later the President invited and Mikhail Fedorov (Minister of Digital Transformation – ed.) spoke with him.”
“But you knowcreating a fake “Diya” and a pro-Russian telegram channel are slightly unequal achievements, to put it mildly, – the journalist rightly noted. – To create “Diya”, you need to have certain IT skills, and to create a fake pro-Russian channel you don’t need to have anything. You just take it and create it in two clicks. Therefore inFedorov and Zelensky would hardly have invited you. After all, then they would have to invite everyone who knows how to use telegram.”
The collaborator could not disagree with this statement.
Let us remember that a collaborator from Kharkov spoke out about a painful issue, mentioning Lenin’s name dozens of times.
We also reported that a collaborator who dreams of going on exchange to the Russian Federation could not answer a simple question about the Russian mentality.
Earlier, a collaborator from the Chernihiv region, who enjoys prison life, declared the existence of “another Ukraine.”
Author: Daria Alexandrova
2023-11-15 20:17:26
#collaborator #Kolomyia #spread #Russian #propaganda #hoping #famous #news