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the case of the frozen consort

It happens that in the United States an experimental treatment would allow us to awaken, hypothetically, deceased people.

Cryonic Institute (Facebook)

To freeze the corpse of his own wife, died of lung cancer, only six weeks after diagnosis, in 2013, in the hope that in future, a relatively near future, has progressed to the point of being able to bring back to life even those who have passed, for the moment, to a better life. That’s what he thought Alan Sinclair, when it joined a project US experimental.

From England, the 82enne, paid the beauty of £ 28,000 for the preservation of his wife’s body Sylvia, and for transportation in United States. This is an experimental project, and this is Mr. Sinclair He knows. Many, even consider science, the practice of preserving bodies in the hope that in future we can act on them, perhaps even to bring them back, again, all white.

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The same Alan Sinclair, now 82, joined the program, and ordered his freeze, hoping to hug his beloved wife in the future. “I think this is one possibility – said Alan Sinclair – and that it is still better to hope than to be eaten by worms, so I said to myself why not. The scientists – he continues – they make progress all the time, there is no reason why they shouldn’t be able to do something like that. They have revived worms of millions of years ago – he concludes – because it is not possible to imagine such a thing with us? We just need to repair the damage who made us die “.

A hypothesis charming, sure, but realistically, at least looking at her from the present, complex and angular. But who knows, the future could also reserve this type of surprises.

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