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The Case of the Arrogant Fortuner Driver Damaged Brio in Senopati Increases the Investigation!


The police are still investigating the case of the youth with the initials GR (24), Fortuner car driver who went on a rampage and damaged a Honda Brio car in Senopati, South Jakarta. Most recently, the case has been raised to investigative stage.

“Last night we immediately increased the stages of the process, namely the investigation stage and today the investigation process is already underway,” South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi told reporters, Monday (13/2/2023).

Ade Ary said that the case was raised to the investigation stage because it was found that a criminal act was suspected related to vandalism, as reported by the victim Ari Widianto. Furthermore, the police held a case title and raised the status of the case.

“We are conducting a case title, because we found an alleged criminal act, as reported by the reporter regarding the alleged criminal act of vandalism,” he said.

Ade Ary added, Fortuner driver GR is currently undergoing investigation and has not been named a suspect. In addition, the police will also schedule an examination of the victim.

“The reported party is currently being examined in the investigative stage. Then the victim will come in the near future as well in a few moments to carry out the investigation process,” he explained.

Currently, continued Ade Ary, the police are currently collecting evidence in the case. Some of those that have been confiscated are cars belonging to the parties involved. In addition, objects such as firearms and sharp weapons were also confiscated.

“We collected evidence and confiscated evidence. Evidence of this firearm-like object, then evidence of fencing swords, we will investigate later. Then evidence of the damaged car, a yellow Honda Brio. We also carried out confiscation and evidence of the Fortuner car black which is allegedly used to damage too,” he said.

GR’s brutal rampage occurred on Sunday (12/2) in the morning. In the viral video seen by detik.com, Sunday (12/2), it is narrated that the Fortuner driver initially went against the direction. Then the victim reprimanded the driver. Then the Fortuner driver stopped and did some damage.

The Fortuner driver was seen doing damage with a sharp weapon. The driver was also seen carrying an object resembling a firearm.

After that, the driver of the Fortuner car hit the victim’s car from the side. After crashing, the Fortuner car left.


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