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The Case of Teddy Minahasa Does Not Stop at Alex Bonpis The Drug Dealer


Development of drug cases that ensnare Inspector General Teddy Minahasa still continue. Most recently, the police caught Alex Bonpisa drug dealer who sells drugs from the network of former members of Teddy Minahasa.

As is known, the former West Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Teddy Minahasa was arrested on suspicion of embezzling 5 kilograms of methamphetamine which was evidence at the Bukittinggi Police. At that time Teddy Minahasa served as the West Sumatra Regional Police Chief and the Bukittinggi Police Chief was AKBP Doddy Prawiranegara.

It is known that the embezzled evidence ended up in Kampung Bahari. It was in the hands of dealer Alex Bonpis that 1.7 kg of crystal methamphetamine circulated.

The police are now trying to find out to what extent the drugs distributed by Alex Bonpis. Including, find out if there is a bookie other than Alex Bonpis.

Alex Bonpis, drug dealer in Kampung Bahari (Photo: Special Doc)

Drug Flow from Teddy Minahasa to Alex Bonpis

Kasubdit II of the Directorate of Narcotics of Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Andi Oddang, said that 1.7 kg of the total 5 kg of methamphetamine was then sold.

After that, the methamphetamine was handed over to the suspect Syamsul Ma’arif. From Syamsul Ma’arif, methamphetamine fell on Linda Pujiastuti.

It was Linda who then handed over the methamphetamine to Kompol Kasranto, who at that time was the Head of the Kali Baru Police, Tanjung Priok Port Police. Linda is a drug cepu acquaintance Teddy Minahasa.

Furthermore, Kompol Kasranto asked Aiptu Janto, who at that time was a member of the Tanjung Priok Port Police, to find a dealer until it fell into the hands of Alex Bonpis.

“The delivery of the goods from AKBP Doddy, went down to Arief’s brother (Syamsul Ma’arif), Arief went to Linda, Linda went down to Mr. Kasranto, went down to Janto. So it was Janto who threw the goods at Alex Bonpis,” said Head of Sub Directorate II of the Directorate of Narcotics Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Andi Oddang, Wednesday (18/1).

Read more on the next page….

Watch the video: Hotman Paris denies that his client ever called AKBP Doddy’s father

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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