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The Casa del Teatro: A Home for Retired Artists and a Symbol of Art Deco Beauty

Many discovered the Casa del Teatro when (a few days ago) Jorge Martínez, the heartthrob of La Extraña Dama, moved there. But he has an 85-year history and today hosts 30 retired artists. Ricardo Bauleo, Laura Bove, María Graña or Joe Rígoli are just some of the stars that once walked through its halls.

The building where the Casa del Teatro is located is impressive. In Art Deco style, it has 10 floors, a theater, library, chapel, and its terrace is crowned with an Inca-style building that is quite a symbol. Access to the pyramid is open to the public and you can see it if you sign up for a guided tour of the historic building. From the top of the pyramid you have a panoramic view of the city of Buenos Aires.

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Beyond its monumental structure, what characterizes the place is its people. The president of the institution, the actress and visual artist Linda Peretz, works pro bono to support this place that houses artists over 65 in a vulnerable situation. 20 employees work with her who make the place a true “home” for artists. It is not a hotel, it is not a nursing home, I reiterate, it is a house. This is how it feels in the corridors, in the rooms, in the kitchen or in your dining room.

Linda Peretz works pro bono to support this place. (Photo capture of eltrece)

The guests of the place can enter or leave whenever they want and the only time they have to respect is that of food. Breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner are served there. And although one of the requirements to be admitted is that the guest can fend for himself, there is also a permanent nurse who monitors their health and assists them when they need it.

It is very expensive to maintain this structure and that is why (in addition to the eternal economic crisis) the Casa del Teatro is heavily indebted. With the return of democracy and at the behest of Luis Brandoni, legislation was passed that grants the institution a subsidy. But that money was not paid for a long time and it was only after the administration of the last government that it was paid every month again. But with that they do nothing.

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To finance itself, the Casa del Teatro rents the Regina Theater room and several floors to the National Theater Institute. But still, with all that, it barely covers current expenses and that is why he accumulated a significant debt in the AFIP. To stay, managers have to sharpen their imagination to raise part of the money that is needed. For example, they have a boutique where they sell clothes that were donated by other actors. The garments donated by Mirhta Legrand are highly sought after.

Now, if you’re not an actor you can also help. You can sign up, for example, for one of the regularly organized guided tours of the building, they barely cost $2,000. You can also join the Casa del Teatro with a monthly contribution of $1,000, or if you want, more. Now they are organizing a play that is going to be performed in the entrance hall, to support, with the proceeds, this unique institution in the world.

2023-09-07 01:22:30
#Casa #del #Teatro #debt #hosts #retired #artists #survive

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