If you order goods from the Internet and the transport is provided by the seller, he is responsible for its condition, until you take it over from the carrier. Therefore, if it is damaged on the way to you, it is still the responsibility of the seller, not the shipping company.
Obviously damaged packages should not be taken over. Upon receipt, the customer signs that he received it undamaged, the consumer organization dTest warns.
Even a package that is flawless at first glance is no guarantee of what the goods hidden in it look like. If you open the box at home and find that the product arrived broken, you should inform the seller as soon as possible so that he can claim damages from the carrier.
“Otherwise, you run the risk that you will have to be even partially responsible for the damage caused to the seller by your inaction,” says dTest director Eduarda Hekšová. It is advisable to photograph the shipment, whether you have evidence. Some people even take video when unpacking.
What about the complaint?
If you receive damaged goods, you are entitled to complain to the seller. However, he does not have to return your money, he may insist on repairing the goods or exchanging them for another piece. If this is not possible, you can claim your money back.
Complaint processing can take up to 30 calendar days. However, if you arranged the transport yourself independently of the seller, you cannot file a complaint. “In such a case, the seller is only liable for the goods until they are handed over for transport. Complaints about defective delivery must be resolved with the carrier, just as if you are sending the package yourself,” explains Hekšová.
The same is true in the event of withdrawal from the contract. In the case of a purchase via the e-shop, a person is entitled to this within 14 days without giving a reason. However, they must not be perishable goods, made to measure or prevented by hygienic reasons.
Shopping outside the e-shop
Nowadays, online shopping from a natural person in various virtual marketplaces is also very popular. If you sell something this way, make sure you pack the goods well, especially if it is fragile.
If it is not properly packaged, the fact that you paid for the transport in the “fragile” mode will not help you to claim damages. Likewise, your insurance may not be valid.
If the shipment you sent to the buyer was damaged during transport, you must claim it within the period specified by the carrier. This is usually only a few days.
“If the carrier does not satisfy the complaint to your satisfaction, ie you are convinced that you have packed the goods correctly, or for example you do not agree with the amount of damages, you can contact the Czech Telecommunications Office, which is responsible for supervising postal services,” advises Hekšová. However, you must do so within one month of receiving the complaint or the day it should have been settled.
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