This morning, the ceremony to name the Angri Carabinieri barracks after Brigadier Gioacchino D’Anna, who died in the line of duty, was held. Born in Casoria (Naples) on November 29, 1936, D’Anna was mortally wounded on September 8, 1975 in Angri while trying to stop four robbers. He managed to disarm one of them, but was shot dead by an accomplice. For his courageous gesture, he was posthumously awarded the Silver Medal of Military Valor.
The ceremony was attended by Division General Canio Giuseppe La Gala, commander of the Carabinieri Legion “Campania”, welcomed with military honors to the tune of the march “La Fedelissima” performed by the Fanfare of the 10th Carabinieri Regiment. After a brief moment of silence in honor of the fallen, the blessing of the flags was officiated by Don Carlo Lamelza and Monsignor Enzo Leopoldo. Mrs. Carmela Mirra, widow of Brigadier D’Anna, accompanied by her daughters Annunziata, Carla and Maria, delivered the flags to the station commander.
To the tune of the national anthem, the solemn flag-raising ceremony preceded the unveiling of an external plaque and an internal tombstone in memory of Brigadier D’Anna, to whom a laurel wreath was placed.
The ceremony continued with speeches by the provincial commander of the Carabinieri of Salerno, Filippo Melchiorre, the mayor of Angri, Cosimo Ferraioli, and General La Gala. Among those present were the prefect of Salerno, Francesco Esposito, the public prosecutor of Salerno, Giuseppe Borrelli, the deputy commissioner, Anna Filomena Palmisano, and the deputy prosecutor Marco Fiorillo.
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– 2024-09-09 02:48:45