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the canonization of the King of France Louis IX

On August 11, 1297, Pope Boniface VIII proceeded to the canonization of King Louis IX of France.

In November 1226, Louis IX became king at the age of twelve.

According to the will of Louis VIII, Blanche of Castille is the regent of France until the majority of Louis IX.

A pious man

The Queen Mother teaches the monarch religious values.

She said to him “My son, I love you, but I would rather see you dead than guilty of mortal sin”.

An education that makes him generous to the most disadvantaged.

In Paris, he had the Sainte Chapelle built to store “the relics of the Passion”.

Louis IX enlarges the kingdom, he wants to assert royal authority and wants impartial justice.

During his 43 years of reign, Louis IX undertook many crusades to reconquer Jerusalem.

His last fight

In 1270, he left for his last crusade. Louis IX was exhausted by the heat and the lack of water, he died at the gates of Tunis.

His body rests in the royal necropolis of Saint-Denis.

Louis IX becomes Saint Louis

During his lifetime, he was considered a Saint.

For this reason, a request for canonization was filed with the Pope in 1272.

On August 11, 1297, Pope Boniface VIII canonized Louis IX under the reign of his grandson, Philippe Le Bel.

The bones of Saint-Louis are divided to make relics, some go to the monks of Saint-Denis.

Philip the Fair lays the head of his grandfather in the Sainte Chapelle where the relics of Jesus Christ are installed.

Saint Louis is celebrated on August 25, the day of his death.

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