Home » today » News » The call of the homeland: Today, the pricing of commodities in the supermarket begins in dollars

The call of the homeland: Today, the pricing of commodities in the supermarket begins in dollars

Some of what was mentioned in the headline of Nidaa Al-Watan:

As of today, the pricing of goods in the supermarket begins in dollars, provided that payment is in dollars or at the exchange rate in pounds at the moment of payment on the cashier, according to the exchange rate that supermarkets and shops are obliged to announce clearly in front of shoppers.

In parallel, the Hospitals Syndicate issued a statement yesterday, in which it also demanded the dollarization of its services, otherwise “hospitals will be on the verge of disappearance, given that the official guarantors pay in pounds and very late due to strikes, and when these dues are received, they lose more than 60% of their value, which makes them unable to pay.” Pay off its debts, and pay the prices of dollarized supplies in full.

And while the pricing of many services has become fully dollarized in Lebanon, such as fuel, medicine, and generator electricity, and on the platform price for cellular bills, in conjunction with the continuous dollarization of services and fees, successively, such as the compulsory car insurance, the injustice of depositors will increase and grow more and more with time if the price remains. Withdrawals from their dollar deposits are at around 15,000 pounds, i.e. a rate of more than 83% today, and its percentage will rise further with the rise in the price of the parallel market dollar.

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