Home » today » Technology » The calcium in our bones and teeth is believed to be of extraterrestrial origin

The calcium in our bones and teeth is believed to be of extraterrestrial origin

Calcium, the main constituent of our bones and teeth, was born from the stars. According to a team of astrophysicists who published their results on August 5 in The Astrophysical Journal, this element comes from stars that have exploded in supernovas and then from their dispersion in the Universe.

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For the first time, researchers were able to observe a calcium-rich supernova, dubbed SN 2019ehk, using infrared and X-ray imagery. They were thus able to observe that the star had emitted a large amount of calcium during its explosion .

According to them, it ejected a thin outer layer of gas during its last years of existence. And when it exploded its material collided with this layer of gas. High temperatures and high pressure caused a chemical reaction, allowing the release of calcium, the researchers explained.

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As astrophysicist Raffaelle Margutti explains, “the explosion is trying to cool down. She wants to get rid of her energy and calcium training is a cost effective way to do that ”.

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