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The Cai Ballabio remembers the “Miro” and dedicates the boulder gym to the “Butch”

Casimiro Ferrari’s street at the Zucco di Teral is illuminated

A beautiful evening of emotions and memories. In the afternoon, the bouldering gym dedicated to Marco Anghileri was inaugurated

BALLABIO – Born in 1940, originally from Rancio (Lecco), only 19 years the entrance into the Spiders Group of the Grignetta, at 21 he became Academic of the Cai. It is undeniable that the Lecco mountaineer Casimiro Ferrari has been a point of reference at national and world level, to speak is its mountaineering history, and it is for this reason that the Cai di Ballabio, 20 years after his death, he wanted to remember this very important figure through the voices of his climbing partners.

The president of Cai Ballabio Marco Anemoli with Laura Ferrari, daughter of Casimiro

In the evening of yesterday, Saturday, many participated in the beautiful evening organized at multipurpose center of Ballabio and conducted by the journalist Sara Sottocornola e by Nicoletta Favaron, director and vice president of the Trento Film Festival.

Strength, tenacity and stubbornness were the peculiar traits of the “Miro”, this is his nickname, which led him to create a real masterpiece with the ascent of the West to Cerro Torre, the feat that most of all projected him, the Spiders and Lecco mountaineering on the world stage.

“A very important day for Cai Ballabio, which began with the inauguration of the boulder gym and its dedication to the mountaineer friend Marco ‘Butch’ Anghileri and that continues with this beautiful evening to commemorate the twenty years of the death of Casimiro Ferrari and the 20 years of the construction of our headquarters which is named after him – said the president of Cai Ballabio Marco Anemoli -. Thanks to the help of the group Asen Park we wanted to do something more, illuminating the via del Miro at the Zucco of Teral, above Ballabio, an important gesture for this evening born a little quietly but which, thanks to the bond that still exists between Casimiro and the population of Ballabio, has taken on more and more body. Dreamer, spontaneous, genuine, impulsively gruff, hard, altruistic, very solitary as well as a supporter of team spirit … these are just some of the adjectives with which I have heard Casimiro Ferrari described by his climbing partners. Many adjectives that not only identify a great mountaineer, but a great man who left so much in the hearts of the citizens of Ballabio ”.

Casimiro Ferrari's street at the Zucco di Teral illuminated (photo Nello Fumagalli)
Casimiro Ferrari’s street at the Zucco di Teral illuminated (photo Nello Fumagalli)

An evening full of emotions and memories, the great names of local mountaineering alternated on the stage who tied themselves to the rope of Casimiro Ferrari to write very important pages in the history of mountaineering that even today, after many years, are capable of to ignite the imagination of the youngest. On stage Dino Piazza, Luigino Airoldi, Bruno Lombardini, Giuliano Maresi, Carlo Aldè, Danilo Valsecchi, Egidio Spreafico, Luigi Corti, Luciano Spadaccini in a river of stories and feelings that have never been extinguished and that have alternated, thanks to the films made available by the Ragni archive, to real journeys in memory on the mountains all over the world.

Casimiro’s daughter is also on stage, Laura, to which the CAI assigned the first Teral d’Or: “Because it is important to link the history of that time with the present. And Casimiro Ferrari is always in our hearts ”, said president Anemoli. “Keeping the memory alive is always important – he said with a touch of emotion Laura Ferrari -. It was a very intense 2021 and I think this evening is the most beautiful conclusion ”.

Also present was the mayor of Ballabio Giovanni Bruno Bussola, the president of the Cai Lombardia Emilio Aldeghi and the president of Cai Lecco Alberto Pirovano. In the afternoon, however, in the presence of the Undersecretary of the Lombardy Region Antonio Rossi and of Marco Anghileri’s mother, the CAI experienced another very important moment with the inauguration and naming of the new boulder climbing hall of the multifunctional center a Marco “Butch” Anghileri. The unforgettable mountaineer of the generation following that of Casimiro Ferrari, in the same way and with the same passion, was able to interpret and read mountains and mountaineering in a completely original way.

And with the image of the dozens of lights illuminating the Via del Miro allo Zucco di Teral, the certainty that the route traced by two personalities like Casimiro Ferrari and Marco Anghileri will still shine for a long time …

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