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The Cabinet of Ministers told what awaits unofficial workers

Photo: Ministry of Social Policy / Facebook

Marina Lazebnaya spoke about the problem of informal employment

There are now about 3.3 million informal workers in the country. they will have to wait longer for the penchia.

Unofficial employment will lead to the fact that about half a million Ukrainians will retire 1-5 years later than their peers due to the lack of the necessary insurance experience. This was announced by the Minister of Social Policy Marina Lazebnaya during her speech at the All-Ukrainian Forum Ukraine 30.

According to her, there are about 3.3 million informal workers in Ukraine. Another 6.3 million people, for various reasons, are not part of the labor force (including students and retirees). 2.3 million people are engaged in “household duties” and do not actually participate in the labor market. Of these, 2 million are women.

“Informal employment creates a kind of trap for such citizens. They may not have enough insurance experience, the requirements for which were established in 2017, for timely retirement,” the minister said.

Lazebnaya stressed that if the situation with official employment does not change, then, according to the World Bank, up to 20% of Ukrainian pensioners over 65 will not be entitled to an insurance pension in the future. They will need separate social assistance from the state, the minister added.

“This increases inequality in society and creates risks of poverty among the elderly,” said the Head of the Ministry of Social Policy. She added that this is especially true for women, who, as a rule, receive lower wages, but at the same time have a longer life expectancy than men. …

It was previously reported that 5 million Ukrainians will receive increased pensions from July 1… Thus, the minimum pension will grow from UAH 1,769 to UAH 1,854.

A bill on raising the retirement age appeared in the parliament

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