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The Cabinet of Ministers has established new rules, what is known – Ukraine – tsn.ua

The Council of Ministers of Ukraine, with resolution No. 1487 of December 30, approved new procedure for military registration of conscriptsconscripts and reservists.

The government, in particular, has provided for the creation of the Unified State Register of those responsible for military service, has changed the rules for the registration of conscripts who are abroad and women.

The experts explained in detail what innovations are spelled out in the document.

Specifically, an advocate for the military and military service Alexander Zolotukhin Broadcast on Channel 24, he noted that the Cabinet of Ministers, in a resolution dated December 30, took into account the experience gained since the start of a full-scale war in Ukraine.

“The Cabinet of Ministers made the appropriate conclusions on how to notify people, how to deliver subpoenas, check whether a person is on the military register or not. I think all the moments that the executive authorities and recruiting centers had to address have been taken into account… The Cabinet adopted a new resolution and in it detailed the stages of each of the organizations involved in the registration, accounting and transfer of information to other state authorities,” he says.

Notification instead of the agenda

According to Zolotukhin, according to the new decree, local governments are now entrusted with the timely arrival of conscripts.

“Employees of the city or village council must notify the conscript … Previously, local governments could also file subpoenas. Now it is called notification. In fact, this is the transfer of information. The subpoena has not lost its its strength, remains in district strength. Therefore, a notification should only be a notification from a person or a specific form formed with a notification from a person that must be served under the signature. But I don’t know how the Cabinet provides for guaranteeing a timely arrival,” the lawyer said.

According to him, local governments are entrusted with the function of searching, recording and exchanging data with collection centers.

As local governments are now registering citizens, when they register a person in a particular locality, they need to pass the information to the recruiting centers that such a person has been registered in the UTC and should be registered in the military“, explained the expert.

He stressed that it was now up to village and city councils to seek out and hand over conscripts:

“Now you don’t need to send a summons, but you can force a local government employee to hand over a person for clarifying data or for other measures to be taken by the recruiting authorities.”

Electronic registration of the military

The mobilization, which has been going on since February 24, has shown that a person can be registered in several military registration and enlistment offices at the same time. Considering this, The Cabinet of Ministers provided for the Unified State Register of Persons Responsible for Military Service.

As Alexander Zolotukhin explains, this registry should collect all information about all recruits:

“As soon as a person changes the place of registration, the information in the Unified State Register of Persons Responsible for Military Service immediately changes. Access to this register should be provided to many state authorities, local self-government, courts, preliminary investigation bodies“.

However, the expert does not undertake to predict how quickly the registry will start working and synchronizing with “Dієyu”.

“The Ministry of Digital Transformation has long stated that it will be possible to declare your place of registration through Diya. There was also a test mode for this function, but it did not work out for men at all, since it is impossible to register with a certain military commissariat … The Unified State Register of Military Personnel should end – the function should work as soon as the register it starts working,” he explained.

At the same time, Zolotukhin specified, “so far no agency has stated that this information is being digitized or synchronized for full data collection.”

Accounting for women

The lawyer said that the resolution of the Council of Ministers also provides for changes regarding the military registration of female doctors.

“Really, female doctors, nurses and pharmacists are subject to military registration. In this case, they should be registered together with the men, respectively, when changing their place of registration, this data should also be synchronized and new information about them should be transferred. Also, women are subject to military registration at their request, if their specialty is related to military affairs or a certain military specialty. In this case, women can also be enrolled in the military if they want, ”she said.

However, according to the expert, female doctors who, as at 30 December 2022, were not enrolled in the military register, have the right not to be enrolled until 2026. This period of time is probably necessary for the introduction of the unified state register of persons forced into military service.

“And from 2026 women should be registered, employers and local governments are entrusted with the same functions of registering women doctors and pharmacists, as in relation to men,” she explains.

Employment of persons obliged to military service

Alexander Zolotukhin commented on the rule that they will be able to hire a person responsible for military service only after presenting them with a military ID, in particular through “Diya”, or military service enrollment.

“Before hiring an employee, according to a provision that has entered into force, the employer is obliged to check whether a candidate for a particular position is enrolled in the military register, where exactly, and whether the data is up-to-date. That is, if the candidate for a position does not provide information about his military registration, the employer has no right to hire such an employee, as hiring would be contrary to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers,” Zolotukhin explained.

At the same time, the lawyer noted that this provision creates a legal conflict, since “non-employment will be contrary to the Constitution of Ukraine and the guaranteed right to work“.

Conscripts abroad

A lawyer Rostislav Kravets in his blog on Youtube notes that one of the main provisions of the decree of the Council of Ministers n. 1487 concerns conscripts who are abroad.

“Now the corresponding duty is imposed on the consular offices to inform these conscripts and lead the mobilization (how to do this, of course, is very interesting) those people who are abroad are people of military age and they have to come to recruiting centers in Ukraine to be entered into the military register or to be deregistered from the military register. This has to be done personally,” says Kravets.

According to the lawyer, “if you are a person of military age and you come to Ukraine, it is unlikely that anyone will let you out.”

Military records will also be kept in recruiting centers, taking into account the fact that a person is abroad.

“Currently, those who are abroad and have reached military age must be notified to the consular registry office that their at any time it can be attracted to the picking centers through these consular offices, and can provide the relative summons for arrival in Ukraine to the competent assembly centres. Lists of these same persons responsible for military service will be kept in foreign consular offices,” she said.

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