Home » today » News » The Buttshakers portray the United States in “Back to America” ​​in exclusive teleconcert

The Buttshakers portray the United States in “Back to America” ​​in exclusive teleconcert


Since March 16, culture has come to a standstill. Artists no longer have the capacity to perform on stage. The festivals are canceled. The promotions of artists, especially international ones, are totally compromised. Concert halls had to cancel their programming. The sector is in danger.

After more than 70 teleconcerts published during confinement, “l’Obs” continues this musical series with a new formula focused on big names and the favorites of the editorial staff, every Saturday and every Sunday. Until further notice.

Ciara Thompson is the singer of The Buttshakers. She left the United States to settle in France, in Lyon. In France, with hindsight, she looks at this large country with a new eye and discovers an American society full of inconsistencies “Between puritanism, corruption, violence and poverty, etc.”. This is what she says on the track “Back in America”, extract from “Arcadia” which will be released soon on Underdog Records:

“This song came to me during confinement during a family walk because we talked a lot about what was happening in the United States and the mismanagement of Covid-19 in the media. “Back In America”. This sentence was looping in my head and strangely, it made me reflect on my childhood, growing up in a country where we always tell you that we are the best, that life is perfect here, that we have understood everything better than the others. »

In this session recorded at Mikrokosm studio by Jafar Films, the Buttshakers imagine a soulful and groovy track, sung and performed in a feline way by Ciara Thompson.

Turn up the volume and take care of yourself.

See you tomorrow for a new teleconcert on the “Obs” site, our Facebook page, our Dailymotion and YouTube channels or our Instagram account.

To support the music industry, “l’Obs” offers you teleconcerts in a new format.

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