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the burst of pride of the Normans

The question could arise of knowing how to react the young group from Mondeville after the defeat against Montbrison, who definitely buried the ambitions of the Normans. The reaction seemed interesting since, volunteers, obviously with the desire to do battle, the Calvadosiennes started the match in the best possible way by quickly leading 15 to 6. But we also know that consistency is not the first quality. from Usom this season.

Dominant on the rebound, the locals continued their way to begin the second act with a small mattress of seven points in advance. Chartres tightened his defense at the very start of the second quarter. Paying option since during the first four minutes, Ewl Guennoc and her teammates scored only two points while the visitors scored to come back to two lengths (18-16). Rushing a little too far forward, with imprecise ball returns, the Bleues de Chartres allowed the Rouges mondevillaises to regain a six-point lead (26-20). But thanks to an efficient Kekelly Elenga, Chartres remained in the game (31-29, 19 ‘). An acceleration of the Mondevillaises allowed them to return to the locker room with a seven-point lead.

But all this remained fragile and unquestionably undecided. The Elenga festival continued in particular under the basket so that the score remained very open (47-44, 26 ‘). Thanks to another interception, Chartres took the lead, 48-47 and even 52-47. But with twenty-seven points conceded during this only third quarter, the Mondevillaises were a little too generous. The fight remained indisputably fierce since five minutes from the final whistle, the two teams were tied (67-67). Two three-point shots later, Mondeville came back in front (73-67). Mondeville did not let go and less than two minutes from the end, the Normans had an eleven point lead (80-69). At that time, hard to believe in a return from Chartres. Yesterday evening, Ewl Guennoc and his friends had found color. Of those which can leave some regrets. What is certain is that it was quite a while since Mondeville had not produced such a performance.

MONDEVILLE – CHARTRES: 80-70 (18-11, 18-18, 19-27, 25-14)

Arbitrators: MM. Tournier and Billot.

MONDEVILLE: Combes, Cornelie Sigmundova 26, Bussière 12, Guennoc (c) 7, Gomis 16 then Cluseau, Niare 4, Stonewall, Lanfant 6, Dinga Mbomi 9. Ent. : Romain L’Hermitte.

CHARTRES : Belleka 11, Ewodo 3, Elenga (c) 20, Marie 4, Colombo 4 then Hillotte 4, Tayeau 5, Bienvenu 5, Koita, Drame 14. Ent. : Benoit Marty.

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Mondeville delivered a solid performance against Chartres.Basketball. LF2: the start of pride of the NormansOuest-France.fr

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