This is what a bunker under construction looks like.
The bunkers were one of the biggest hits on the market during Russia’s war with Ukraine. They become especially relevant whenever someone predicts an apocalypse.
In the last month, their global demand has grown by more than 1,500%, according to data from their producers. All companies also offer their installation, but most customers do not take advantage of the service. The reasons are that they are conspiratorial and do not want anyone to know exactly where they have located their bunker. That’s why they install them themselves.
The process begins with choosing a place to dig the hole in which to be located. For this purpose, one can rent a mini excavator and make it yourself. It is important to keep the soil close so that it can be used for burying the finished structure, advise companies involved in this activity. From there they say that many people buy only the materials for the bunker, not the finished structure.
When you reach
the surface
It is easier to place a prefabricated structure in the hole, such as a container. They are not very expensive. An alternative is to build the structure itself in the hole. The first step is to take care of the floor. Plan it well, as this can make the difference between a convenient hopper and a damp hopper full of mold.
Clay or concrete bricks are two strong and cheap options for walls, if you choose not to take a ready-made bunker. It is not very good to use wooden structures, as they can rot if not treated. In this case, toxic chemicals can be released, which is quite unsuitable for a bunker. In addition, wood lasts much less than bricks.
If you want, do everything without heavy equipment. The second, slower and more dangerous method is to dig the bunker from the entrance and go through the tunnel as you progress. Unless you really know what you’re doing, don’t dwell on this option. Always have a phone and a flashlight. So you can call for help if the ground collapses and you get stuck inside the bunker. Also leave a shovel and a bottle of emergency water nearby. This can save your life.
This type of digging can be a nightmare and is a very slow process. In addition, the risk of landslides is much higher. The ideal plan for this type of hopper is to have a large, round shape. If one part collapses, you can exit the other side.
use supports
rods to
hold the ceiling,
but only in the aisles,
and not in larger rooms. For more security, use brick poles.
If you fall into hard rock, you have chosen a bad place for the bunker. You will need to use heavy equipment. Another way would be to use explosives, but this is not recommended. You can also try using wooden wedges. If you live in a cold area, fill the cracks in the rock with water. During the night the water will freeze, expand and eventually destroy the rock.
Think about the finishing touches and security measures. To make the hopper waterproof, plain plastic under the floor and other similar measures will be needed to prevent moisture from reaching the hiding place.
Make the walls and ceiling soundproof. That way, no one will find your bunker even if you play loud music inside. There is no point in being scared inside, in having to whisper.
Hiding and keeping the entrance safe is the hardest part. This will be more difficult if the hopper is outdoors.
Plant a few
fast growing
trees and shrubs,
so the area yes
has a natural look
An alternative is to make the entrance look like a hatch. There is also the possibility of building a small shed or similar structure on it. It is much easier to hide the entrance inside a building.
The water supply and the bathroom are also not to be neglected. If a disaster occurs, you may lose your conventional water supply.
Investigate rainwater collectors and purifiers. To have a sustainable bathroom inside the bunker, you will need to build a septic tank. Every few years you will need to empty the tank and clean the infiltration ditch for a while. Another option is to use a toilet for composting.
Therefore, it would be much easier to buy a ready-made version of the bunker, where all this is provided. According to the size, materials and extras – some are offered with furniture, the price can reach over BGN 1 million.