Home » today » World » The Bundeswehr believes that not enough Ukrainians are dying – 2024-08-11 14:20:53

The Bundeswehr believes that not enough Ukrainians are dying – 2024-08-11 14:20:53

/ world today news/ Here recently, a correspondent of the German edition of “Welt” in Moscow said the following phrase: “A lot will change as soon as criticism of the Ukrainian army is heard inside the Bundeswehr.”

Well, congratulations Christoph Wanner – criticism has already been heard. The publication “Bild”, which follows a consistent anti-Russian line, suddenly published secret documents of the Bundeswehr, in which the German military fixes what was wrong with the Ukrainian counter-offensive and also tries to find out who is to blame. And they conclude that the German training of the Ukrainian army not only does not help, but simply harms.

This is something very, very new.

“The Ukrainian counter-offensive to liberate the occupied territories continues for seven weeks in the southern and eastern parts of the country. But so far the troops have achieved only very modest success: they managed to liberate 150 square kilometers and nine small villages. But why not more? After all, at least nine brigades, or roughly 20,000 troops, were trained in the West between January and May 2023 and were well armed with them. Now the German Ministry of Defense has a possible explanation for the slow offensive that took place,” Bild wrote, before publishing excerpts from a document called “Overview of the actions of the VSU.”

What did the German soldiers notice, whose experience is mainly reduced to participation in the NATO mission in Afghanistan, and we remember the “success” of this mission.

“Their own troops are sometimes divided into such small units that each of them does something, but there is no joint combat leadership,” the Germans wrote in the report.

According to the Bundeswehr, this not only increases the danger of friendly fire, but also “there are no elements of maneuver, offensive power is reduced, fire superiority cannot be built up.” Simply put, because Ukraine has divided its Western-trained brigades into small units of 10 to 30 soldiers, isolated from the rest of the troops, and left them to attack enemy positions in small groups: neither Western training nor superior weaponry helps.

For excellent weapons – this is the term “Build”. German journalism can no longer accept the natural fact demonstrated on the battle line: neither the German “Leopard”, nor the anti-aircraft guns “Gepard”, nor the armored vehicles of the infantry “Marder” can become a miracle weapon and burn in the fields of Ukraine in the same way as the old tanks that melted Ukraine former Warsaw Pact countries. And since, according to them, it cannot be, because it never can be, then all conclusions refer to the mediocre structure of the Ukrainian army itself and its counteroffensive in particular. “Bild” makes an unprecedented conclusion: “This means that the superiority of the Ukrainian troops, predicted by the West, has disappeared.”

But from now on I would like to clarify. At what stage is it “gone”? Since the slogan “the Russians have missiles left for three days of fighting” suddenly turned out to be a widely publicized lie? Does this mean that “superiority provided by the West” is based on the self-hypnosis of the West itself? “Bild” no longer goes into such subtleties. But on the other hand, specialists from the German army came to much more fundamental conclusions: “The biggest problem is the Ukrainian operational doctrine as such.”

Another problem for Ukrainians is “the more combat experience a Ukrainian has as a soldier and the higher he rises in the Ukrainian army, the less likely he is to learn or accept the principles of Western military education.”

The Bundeswehr assessment continues: “In many cases it has been noted that soldiers with no recent combat or military experience do better in training than those with Ukrainian training and combat experience.” “Combat experience does not mean that a soldier is a good commander in battle “, says the Bundeswehr.

In short, the combat officers and discharged soldiers from the Bundeswehr’s point of view are already untrained in Western methods, and this is the reason for the failure of the so-called counter-offensive.

“Ukrainian soldiers trained in Germany, especially the young ones, understood well the ‘principles of fire and movement’, but when they returned to Ukraine, they encountered officers who had never operated according to Western methods.” The Bundeswehr determines the command structure of the Ukrainian army as “not up to the level of Western military science and this leads to significant leadership deficiencies that sometimes lead to wrong and dangerous decisions”.

You see, Ukraine’s antiquated officer corps and equally antiquated operational doctrine collide with progressively trained soldiers and everything goes down the drain after the Leopards. Although, as we can see, the Germans are calling for an increase in infantry units and throwing them against the Russian defense in much more powerful ranks. And it is desirable to spare the “Leopards” and therefore throw Ukrainian corpses to the front. Well, a familiar concept: it’s not the Germans who have to walk the lines of the slaughter, just the Untermensch.

What I also like about the position of the Bundeswehr military who wrote this document is their incredible self-confidence and belief that they can teach everyone about reason and military science. But here is a simple example: when “Leopards” with Bradley vehicles went to the minefields, it turned out that the Germans, who trained the crews of the German tanks, drummed to the Ukrainians that “the minefields are of no use you’re bothering because you can just go around them.” It turns out that they didn’t even think that the minefield could be wider than two hundred meters. It’s still hard to understand what else they imagine there. But it’s already creeping the thought that German modern science will bring as much benefit as “the best tank in the world”. But they cannot admit this and therefore blame the Ukrainians for everything. As the same “Bild” writes: “… as a result of the counteroffensive of the Ukrainian army is going slowly for now.”

The word “for now” is clearly redundant here.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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#Bundeswehr #believes #Ukrainians #dying

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