Dunakesz is home to a “handful” of Bulgarian communities, whose members cherish their traditions with great love and remember the outstanding events of their history. This year, the Day of Bulgarian Literacy, Culture and Art was celebrated for the fourteenth time. May 24 is one of the holiest Bulgarian national holidays. The holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, the creators of the Slavic alphabet, were already canonized in the Middle Ages. The Dunakesz Bulgarian Nationality Self-Government remembered them.
-In recent years, we have told almost everything about the activities of Cyril and Metód, the two Byzantine scientists-converts born in Thessaloniki. Therefore, I will now only briefly list the most important milestones in their lives – said Gábor Kirov, president of the Dunakeszi Bulgarian Nationality Self-Government, on May 27 at the ceremony held at the József Attila Cultural Center.
-Metód was born in 810, his younger brother Konstantin in 827, who only took the name Cyril towards the end of his life. In 843, Cyril studied in Constantinople, at the famous Magnuarszka – School of Theology. Metód, the older brother, holds a management position in a region mainly inhabited by Bulgarians, in a public administration area. Due to his high-level theological qualification and language skills, Cirill receives small and large state commissions from Byzantium, in the areas of ecclesiastical and diplomatic affairs.
II. The Byzantine emperor Michael sends the brothers to distant places with proselytizing tasks, and upon returning to Constantinople, Cyril begins to teach philosophy at the Magnuarszka – Theological Institute, and Metód becomes the abbot of the Polyhron monastery. In 855, within the walls of this monastery, the Slavic alphabet, the so-called “Glagolic”, was created – Gábor Kirov explained the life path of the two scientists.

The president of the Dunakesz Bulgarian National Self-Government emphasized in his celebratory speech: In 862, following the invitation of Rostizlav, the prince of Great Moravia, the two scholar brothers spread Christianity in the Slavic language in the territory of the country. They translate and describe the Bible and other texts and psalms necessary for the liturgy from Latin and Greek into Slavic languages. “Now with my own letters.” They carry out this mission with great passion, regardless of their strength, until the day they die. Cyril died in Rome on February 14, 869, Metód died in Great Moravia in 885. Later, the Catholic Church canonized them both – said Gábor Kirov, who added: Let’s pay tribute to their memory, since many of us owe it to them that we also write, read and speak Bulgarian.

As a continuation of the festive commemoration, the granddaughter of the president, Kinga Kirov, recited a Bulgarian children’s poem, and then Mária Bereczné Csillag, the Hungarian teacher at the local Radnót high school, read Kristin Dimitrova’s short story “I and my reflection”.

The artistic experience of the program was enriched by the playing of violinist György Győrffy, who played works by popular Bulgarian and Hungarian authors. The virtuoso violinist’s student, Simon Kristóf, also introduced himself in the program.

As the highlight of the meaningful celebration, the Jantra Folk Dance Ensemble presented the celebratory audience with an exciting show in the theater of the cultural institution, whose dancers, in addition to the blood-invigorating dances, delighted the spectators with the colorful sight of the beautiful Bulgarian folk costumes.
The Saturday afternoon celebration ended with friendly conversations and enjoying the delicacies of Bulgarian cuisine.